it seems as if 0x10 in the 0x57 (CMD_READ_RAIN) call return has a 4 byte length whereas in the CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA call it has a 2 byte length you may need a separate data structure for the 0x0E-0x13 (plus 0x80-0x88) IDs contained in the 0x57 call and can't use the one you use for LIVEDATA
Brian from WD ran into the same/a similar issue ...

Am 01.05.2022 um 23:11 schrieb Rainer Lang:

Is it possible that your rain_day traditional in the 0x57 call is too short ? should be 4 bytes after the 0x10 ID.

Am 01.05.2022 um 22:55 schrieb Rainer Lang:

Here you go

May  1 22:21:07 raspberrypi weewx[29246] DEBUG __main__: Sending packet 'FF FF 26 03 29' to '' May  1 22:21:07 raspberrypi weewx[29246] DEBUG __main__: Received response 'FF FF 26 09 94 3C C6 44 B5 EF AD' May  1 22:21:07 raspberrypi weewx[29246] DEBUG __main__: Sending packet 'FF FF 50 03 53' to '' May  1 22:21:07 raspberrypi weewx[29246] DEBUG __main__: Received response 'FF FF 50 12 0E 47 57 32 30 30 30 41 5F 56 32 2E 31 2E 34 B9' May  1 22:21:07 raspberrypi weewx[29246] DEBUG __main__: Sending packet 'FF FF 30 03 33' to '' May  1 22:21:07 raspberrypi weewx[29246] DEBUG __main__: Received response 'FF FF 30 0B 01 01 62 6F 07 D2 27 01 0F' May  1 22:21:07 raspberrypi weewx[29246] DEBUG __main__: Sending packet 'FF FF 27 03 2A' to '' May  1 22:21:07 raspberrypi weewx[29246] DEBUG __main__: Received response 'FF FF 27 00 94 01 00 C9 06 30 08 26 A9 09 27 CC 02 00 63 07 51 0A 00 4B 0B 00 00 0C 00 05 15 00 00 00 00 16 00 00 17 00 2A 00 6E 4D 00 96 51 00 A0 4E 00 B4 2C 0D 2E 21 30 4B 32 1A 1A 00 69 22 4E 1B 00 81 23 45 1C 00 67 24 50 1D 00 7D 25 48 1E FE FF 1F 00 7C 27 35 20 00 1E 28 2D 59 00 62 00 00 00 00 61 62 66 9B AE 60 22 19 00 39 0E 00 00 10 00 00 11 00 00 12 00 00 00 00 13 00 00 0C 11 0D 00 00 70 00 CC 32 00 22 00 64 00 21 00 60 02 82 03 4A 06 20' May  1 22:21:07 raspberrypi weewx[29246] DEBUG __main__: Sending packet 'FF FF 57 03 5A' to '' May  1 22:21:08 raspberrypi weewx[29246] DEBUG __main__: Received response 'FF FF 57 00 54 0E 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 11 00 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 00 13 00 00 0C 11 0D 00 00 0F 00 64 80 00 00 83 00 00 00 00 84 00 00 00 00 85 00 00 00 00 86 00 00 0C 72 81 00 00 87 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 88 00 00 00 24' May  1 22:21:08 raspberrypi weewx[29246] DEBUG __main__: Unknown field address '00' detected. Remaining data '00 11 00 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 00 13 00 00 0C 11 0D 00 00 0F 00 64 80 00 00 83 00 00 00 00 84 00 00 00 00 85 00 00 00 00 86 00 00 0C 72 81 00 00 87 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 88 00 00 00' ignored. May  1 22:21:08 raspberrypi weewx[29246] DEBUG __main__: Parsed data: {'intemp': 20.1, 'inhumid': 48, 'absbarometer': 989.7, 'relbarometer': 1018.8, 'outtemp': 9.9, 'outhumid': 81, 'winddir': 75, 'windspeed': 0.0, 'gustspeed': 0.5, 'light': 0.0, 'uv': 0.0, 'uvi': 0, 'pm251': 11.0, 'pm251_24h_avg': 15.0, 'pm252': 16.0, 'pm252_24h_avg': 18.0, 'soilmoist1': 13, 'soilmoist2': 33, 'soilmoist3': 75, 'soilmoist4': 26, 'temp1': 10.5, 'humid1': 78, 'temp2': 12.9, 'humid2': 69, 'temp3': 10.3, 'humid3': 80, 'temp4': 12.5, 'humid4': 72, 'temp5': -25.7, 'temp6': 12.4, 'humid6': 53, 'temp7': 3.0, 'humid7': 45, 'leak2': 0, 'lightningcount': 0, 'lightningdettime': 1650891694, 'lightningdist': 34, 'daymaxwind': 5.7, 't_rainrate': 0.0, 't_rainday': 0.0, 't_rainweek': 0.0, 't_rainmonth': 0.0, 't_rainyear': 308.9, 't_rainevent': 0.0, 'temp17': 20.4, 'humid17': 50, 'pm10': 3.4, 'pm10_24h_avg': 10.0, 'pm255': 3.3, 'pm255_24h_avg': 9.6, 'co2': 642, 'co2_24h_avg': 842, 'datetime': 1651436468} May  1 22:21:08 raspberrypi weewx[29246] DEBUG __main__: Sending packet 'FF FF 3C 03 3F' to '' May  1 22:21:08 raspberrypi weewx[29246] DEBUG __main__: Received response 'FF FF 3C 01 5B 00 FF FF FF FE FF 00 01 FF FF FF FE FF 00 02 FF FF FF FE FF 00 03 00 00 C8 DD 10 04 04 FF FF FF FF 00 00 05 FF FF FF FE 00 00 06 00 00 00 5D 00 04 07 00 00 00 0E 00 04 08 00 00 00 CA 00 04 09 00 00 00 6C 00 04 0A 00 00 00 07 00 04 0B 00 00 00 F3 00 04 0C 00 00 00 74 00 04 0D FF FF FF FE 00 00 0E 00 00 C5 E0 0D 04 0F 00 00 C8 14 0E 04 10 00 00 C6 D0 0E 04 11 00 00 C6 A8 0E 03 12 00 00 C5 3F 1F 00 13 FF FF FF FE 1F 00 14 FF FF FF FE 1F 00 15 FF FF FF FE 1F 00 16 00 00 00 B9 04 04 17 00 00 00 46 05 04 18 FF FF FF FE 0F 00 19 FF FF FF FE 0F 00 1A 00 00 D9 47 05 04 1B FF FF FF FF 0F 00 1C 00 10 E3 E4 04 04 1D FF FF FF FE 0F 00 1E FF FF FF FE 0F 00 1F FF FF FF FE FF 00 20 FF FF FF FE FF 00 21 FF FF FF FE FF 00 22 FF FF FF FE FF 00 23 FF FF FF FE FF 00 24 FF FF FF FE FF 00 25 FF FF FF FE FF 00 26 FF FF FF FE FF 00 27 00 00 2D 43 06 04 28 FF FF FF FE FF 00 29 FF FF FF FE FF 00 2A FF FF FF FE FF 00 2B FF FF FF FE FF 00 2C FF FF FF FE FF 00 2D FF FF FF FE FF 00 2E FF FF FF FE FF 00 2F FF FF FF FE FF 00 30 00 41 94 B3 95 04 B6' May  1 22:21:08 raspberrypi weewx[29246] DEBUG __main__: Processed parsed data: {'intemp': 20.1, 'inhumid': 48, 'absbarometer': 989.7, 'relbarometer': 1018.8, 'outtemp': 9.9, 'outhumid': 81, 'winddir': 75, 'windspeed': 0.0, 'gustspeed': 0.5, 'light': 0.0, 'uv': 0.0, 'uvi': 0, 'pm251': 11.0, 'pm251_24h_avg': 15.0, 'pm252': 16.0, 'pm252_24h_avg': 18.0, 'soilmoist1': 13, 'soilmoist2': 33, 'soilmoist3': 75, 'soilmoist4': 26, 'temp1': 10.5, 'humid1': 78, 'temp2': 12.9, 'humid2': 69, 'temp3': 10.3, 'humid3': 80, 'temp4': 12.5, 'humid4': 72, 'temp5': -25.7, 'temp6': 12.4, 'humid6': 53, 'temp7': 3.0, 'humid7': 45, 'leak2': 0, 'lightningcount': 0, 'lightningdettime': 1650891694, 'lightningdist': 34, 'daymaxwind': 5.7, 't_rainrate': 0.0, 't_rainday': 0.0, 't_rainweek': 0.0, 't_rainmonth': 0.0, 't_rainyear': 308.9, 't_rainevent': 0.0, 'temp17': 20.4, 'humid17': 50, 'pm10': 3.4, 'pm10_24h_avg': 10.0, 'pm255': 3.3, 'pm255_24h_avg': 9.6, 'co2': 642, 'co2_24h_avg': 842, 'datetime': 1651436468, 'wh40_batt': 1.6, 'wh40_sig': 4, 'wh31_ch1_batt': 0, 'wh31_ch1_sig': 4, 'wh31_ch2_batt': 0, 'wh31_ch2_sig': 4, 'wh31_ch3_batt': 0, 'wh31_ch3_sig': 4, 'wh31_ch4_batt': 0, 'wh31_ch4_sig': 4, 'wh31_ch5_batt': 0, 'wh31_ch5_sig': 4, 'wh31_ch6_batt': 0, 'wh31_ch6_sig': 4, 'wh31_ch7_batt': 0, 'wh31_ch7_sig': 4, 'wh51_ch1_batt': 1.3, 'wh51_ch1_sig': 4, 'wh51_ch2_batt': 1.4, 'wh51_ch2_sig': 4, 'wh51_ch3_batt': 1.4, 'wh51_ch3_sig': 4, 'wh51_ch4_batt': 1.4, 'wh51_ch4_sig': 3, 'wh51_ch5_batt': None, 'wh51_ch5_sig': 0, 'wh41_ch1_batt': 4, 'wh41_ch1_sig': 4, 'wh41_ch2_batt': 5, 'wh41_ch2_sig': 4, 'wh57_batt': 5, 'wh57_sig': 4, 'wh55_ch2_batt': 4, 'wh55_ch2_sig': 4, 'wh45_batt': 6, 'wh45_sig': 4, 'ws90_batt': 2.98, 'ws90_sig': 4} May  1 22:21:13 raspberrypi weewx[7904] INFO weewx.cheetahgenerator: Generated 13 files for report neowx in 48.07 seconds May  1 22:21:13 raspberrypi weewx[7904] INFO weewx.reportengine: Copied 0 files to /var/weewx/reports/neowx May  1 22:21:14 raspberrypi weewx[7904] INFO weewx.cheetahgenerator: Generated 8 files for report SeasonsReport in 1.48 seconds May  1 22:21:15 raspberrypi weewx[7904] INFO weewx.imagegenerator: Generated 24 images for report SeasonsReport in 1.02 seconds May  1 22:21:15 raspberrypi weewx[7904] INFO weewx.reportengine: Copied 0 files to /var/weewx/reports May  1 22:21:15 raspberrypi weewx[7904] INFO weewx.cheetahgenerator: Generated 6 files for report SmartphoneReport in 0.06 seconds May  1 22:21:16 raspberrypi weewx[7904] INFO weewx.imagegenerator: Generated 6 images for report SmartphoneReport in 0.23 seconds May  1 22:21:16 raspberrypi weewx[7904] INFO weewx.reportengine: Copied 0 files to /var/weewx/reports/smart May  1 22:21:16 raspberrypi weewx[7904] INFO weewx.cheetahgenerator: Generated 1 files for report simple in 0.13 seconds May  1 22:21:16 raspberrypi weewx[7904] INFO weewx.imagegenerator: Generated 16 images for report simple in 0.54 seconds May  1 22:21:28 raspberrypi weewx[29263] DEBUG __main__: Sending packet 'FF FF 26 03 29' to '' May  1 22:21:28 raspberrypi weewx[29263] DEBUG __main__: Received response 'FF FF 26 09 94 3C C6 44 B5 EF AD' May  1 22:21:28 raspberrypi weewx[29263] DEBUG __main__: Sending packet 'FF FF 50 03 53' to '' May  1 22:21:28 raspberrypi weewx[29263] DEBUG __main__: Received response 'FF FF 50 12 0E 47 57 32 30 30 30 41 5F 56 32 2E 31 2E 34 B9' May  1 22:21:28 raspberrypi weewx[29263] DEBUG __main__: Sending packet 'FF FF 30 03 33' to '' May  1 22:21:28 raspberrypi weewx[29263] DEBUG __main__: Received response 'FF FF 30 0B 01 01 62 6F 07 E6 27 01 23' May  1 22:21:28 raspberrypi weewx[29263] DEBUG __main__: Sending packet 'FF FF 57 03 5A' to '' May  1 22:21:28 raspberrypi weewx[29263] DEBUG __main__: Received response 'FF FF 57 00 54 0E 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 11 00 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 00 13 00 00 0C 11 0D 00 00 0F 00 64 80 00 00 83 00 00 00 00 84 00 00 00 00 85 00 00 00 00 86 00 00 0C 72 81 00 00 87 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 88 00 00 00 24' May  1 22:21:28 raspberrypi weewx[29263] DEBUG __main__: Unknown field address '00' detected. Remaining data '00 11 00 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 00 13 00 00 0C 11 0D 00 00 0F 00 64 80 00 00 83 00 00 00 00 84 00 00 00 00 85 00 00 00 00 86 00 00 0C 72 81 00 00 87 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 00 64 88 00 00 00' ignored.

Am 01.05.2022 um 22:29 schrieb gjr80:
Rainer, it is the WeeWX log output I am after not the console output.


On Monday, 2 May 2022 at 06:26:05 UTC+10 wrote:

    I can't see much more with debug=3, maybe you can 😎 - but here
    you go:

    Using configuration file /etc/weewx/weewx.conf
    debug level is '3'

    IP address obtained from station config
    Port number set to default port number
    Battery state filtering ('False') using the default

    Interrogating GW2000 at

    GW2000 live sensor data (2022-05-01 22:21:08 CEST (1651436468)):
    absbarometer: 989.7 mbar, co2: 642, co2_24h_avg: 842,
    daymaxwind: 21 kph, gustspeed: 2 kph, humid1: 78%, humid17: 50%,
    humid2: 69%, humid3: 80%, humid4: 72%, humid6: 53%,
    humid7: 45%, inhumid: 48%, intemp: 20.1°C, leak2: 0, light: 0
    lx, lightningcount: 0, lightningdettime: 25-Apr-2022 15:01,
    lightningdist: 34.0 km, outhumid: 81%, outtemp: 9.9°C, pm10:
    3.400µg/m³, pm10_24h_avg: 10.000µg/m³, pm251: 11.000µg/m³,
    pm251_24h_avg: 15.000µg/m³, pm252: 16.000µg/m³, pm252_24h_avg:
    18.000µg/m³, pm255: 3.300µg/m³, pm255_24h_avg: 9.600µg/m³,
    relbarometer: 1018.8 mbar, soilmoist1: 13%, soilmoist2: 33%,
    soilmoist3: 75%, soilmoist4: 26%, t_rainday: 0.00 cm,
    _rainevent: 0.00 cm, t_rainmonth: 0.00 cm, t_rainrate: 0.00
    cm/h, t_rainweek: 0.00 cm, t_rainyear: 30.89 cm, temp1: 10.5°C,
    temp17: 20.4°C, temp2: 12.9°C, temp3: 10.3°C, temp4: 12.5°C,
    temp5: -25.7°C, temp6: 12.4°C, temp7: 3.0°C, uv: 0 W/m², uvi: 0.0,

    wh31_ch1_batt: 0, wh31_ch1_sig: 4, wh31_ch2_batt: 0,
    wh31_ch2_sig: 4, wh31_ch3_batt: 0, wh31_ch3_sig: 4,
    wh31_ch4_batt: 0,
    wh31_ch4_sig: 4, wh31_ch5_batt: 0, wh31_ch5_sig: 4,
    wh31_ch6_batt: 0, wh31_ch6_sig: 4, wh31_ch7_batt: 0,
    wh31_ch7_sig: 4,

    wh40_batt: 1.60 V, wh40_sig: 4, wh41_ch1_batt: 4, wh41_ch1_sig:
    4, wh41_ch2_batt: 5, wh41_ch2_sig: 4, wh45_batt: 6,

    wh45_sig: 4, wh51_ch1_batt: 1.30 V, wh51_ch1_sig: 4,
    wh51_ch2_batt: 1.40 V, wh51_ch2_sig: 4, wh51_ch3_batt: 1.40 V,

    wh51_ch3_sig: 4, wh51_ch4_batt: 1.40 V, wh51_ch4_sig: 3,
    wh51_ch5_batt: None, wh51_ch5_sig: 0, wh55_ch2_batt: 4,
    wh55_ch2_sig: 4, wh57_batt: 5, wh57_sig: 4, winddir: 75°,
    windspeed: 0 kph, ws90_batt: 2.98 V, ws90_sig: 4

    Using configuration file /etc/weewx/weewx.conf
    debug level is '3'

    IP address obtained from station config
    Port number set to default port number
    Battery state filtering ('False') using the default

    Interrogating GW2000 at

        Traditional rain data:
                         Rain rate: 0.0mm/hr (0.0in/hr))
                        Event rain: ---mm (---in)
                        Daily rain: 0.0mm (0.0in)
                       Weekly rain: ---mm (---in)
                      Monthly rain: ---mm (---in)
                       Yearly rain: ---mm (---in)

        No piezo rain data available

        No rainfall reset time data available

    Am 01.05.2022 um 22:19 schrieb gjr80:

    Can you run the driver directly again with the --live-data and
    --get-all-rain-data command line options but this time add
    debug=3 to each command. This should generate a number of log
    entries that include the raw data being sent to and received
    from the GW2000. Can you post the log output from each command

    On Sunday, 1 May 2022 at 23:56:36 UTC+10 wrote:

        Hi Gary

        just had a test run (driver only) - and the rain doesn't
        seem to be handled properly yet
        I have both, a WH40 and a WS90 connected to my GW2000.

        The live data view both in the WebUI (2.1.4) and WS View
        Plus (2.0.31) shows both rain totals

        The driver however claims that there are no piezo data and
        for the traditional doesn't show the yearly numbers
        (as we have 01-May and beginning of the week and no rain
        everything else should be zero, but not the yearly rain)
        that comes with the --get-all-rain-data option; in the
        --live-data option (or --test-driver) the t_rainyearyear is
        properly shown as 30.89 cm but no piezo data at all.
        The WS90 battery and signal are shown though.

        see below

        any idea what is wrong - maybe also with my config ?? - the
        connected sensors are all properly recognized with --sensors




        Using configuration file /etc/weewx/weewx.conf

        Interrogating GW2000 at

            Traditional rain data:
                             Rain rate: 0.0mm/hr (0.0in/hr))
                            Event rain: ---mm (---in)
                            Daily rain: 0.0mm (0.0in)
                           Weekly rain: ---mm (---in)
                          Monthly rain: ---mm (---in)
                           Yearly rain: ---mm (---in)

            No piezo rain data available

            No rainfall reset time data available
        Using configuration file /etc/weewx/weewx.conf

        Interrogating GW2000 at

        GW2000 live sensor data (2022-05-01 15:44:05 CEST
        absbarometer: 990.1 mbar, co2: 1094, co2_24h_avg: 908,
        daymaxwind: 20 kph, gustspeed: 2 kph, humid1: 48%, humid17:
        humid2: 54%, humid3: 50%, humid4: 53%, humid6: 46%, humid7:
        53%, inhumid: 52%, intemp: 20.9°C, leak2: 0, light: 35688 lx,
        lightningcount: 0, lightningdettime: 25-Apr-2022 15:01,
        lightningdist: 34.0 km, outhumid: 49%, outtemp: 15.0°C,
        pm10: 5.100µg/m³, pm10_24h_avg: 12.900µg/m³, pm251:
        10.000µg/m³, pm251_24h_avg: 16.700µg/m³, pm252: 10.000µg/m³,
        pm252_24h_avg: 18.500µg/m³, pm255: 4.300µg/m³,
        pm255_24h_avg: 12.400µg/m³, relbarometer: 1019.2 mbar,
        soilmoist1: 14%, soilmoist2: 35%, soilmoist3: 76%,
        soilmoist4: 25%,
        t_rainday: 0.00 cm, t_rainevent: 0.00 cm, t_rainmonth: 0.00
        cm, t_rainrate: 0.00 cm/h, t_rainweek: 0.00 cm,
        *t_rainyear: 30.89 cm*,
        temp1: 16.8°C, temp17: 21.5°C, temp2: 21.0°C, temp3:
        15.9°C, temp4: 17.1°C, temp5: -18.5°C, temp6: 25.5°C,
        temp7: 3.4°C,
        uv: 10 W/m², uvi: 1.0, wh31_ch1_batt: 0, wh31_ch1_sig: 4,
        wh31_ch2_batt: 0, wh31_ch2_sig: 4, wh31_ch3_batt: 0,
        wh31_ch3_sig: 4, wh31_ch4_batt: 0, wh31_ch4_sig: 4,
        wh31_ch5_batt: 0, wh31_ch5_sig: 4, wh31_ch6_batt: 0,
        wh31_ch6_sig: 4,
        wh31_ch7_batt: 0, wh31_ch7_sig: 4, wh40_batt: 1.60 V,
        wh40_sig: 4, wh41_ch1_batt: 5, wh41_ch1_sig: 4,
        wh41_ch2_batt: 5,
        wh41_ch2_sig: 4, wh45_batt: 6, wh45_sig: 4, wh51_ch1_batt:
        1.30 V, wh51_ch1_sig: 4, wh51_ch2_batt: 1.40 V,
        wh51_ch2_sig: 4,
        wh51_ch3_batt: 1.40 V, wh51_ch3_sig: 4, wh51_ch4_batt: 1.40
        V, wh51_ch4_sig: 4, wh51_ch5_batt: None, wh51_ch5_sig: 0,
        wh55_ch2_batt: 4, wh55_ch2_sig: 4, wh57_batt: 5, wh57_sig:
        4, winddir: 263°, windspeed: 0 kph, ws90_batt: 2.98 V,
        ws90_sig: 4

        Am 01.05.2022 um 13:50 schrieb gjr80:
        I've released v0.5.0b2 of the Ecowitt Gateway driver
        (formerly the GW1000 driver). The extension package can be
        downloaded from the driver GitHub releases page
        <>. The
        driver should support any of the GW1000, GW1100, GW2000,
        WH2650, WH2680 and WN1900 devices (though I have only
        tested against the GW devices). The main feature of v0.5.0
        is support for the GW2000/WS90 'Wittboy' station. There
        are many other changes in v0.5.0, these changes are
        summarised in the notes on the GitHub v0.5.0 release page
        as well as in the change log. Some of these changes will
        affect some WeeWX installations and I strongly urge
        everyone upgrading to v0.5.0 to read through the driver
        Upgrade Guide
        in particular the section Upgrading to v0.5.0
        undertaking the upgrade as some changes have the potential
        to result in lost data and broken reports. Particular
        areas that may require user action involve changes to
        rainfall field names, redesignation of WH34 and WH35
        sensors as WN34 and WN35 respectively as well as changes
        to WH40 and WH51 sensor battery state data.

        I also strong recommend that users run the driver directly
        with the --test-driver command line option to verify the
        driver is correctly configured and producing the expected
        data before restarting WeeWX.

        You will notice that I have started renaming the driver
        the /Ecowitt Gateway/ driver rather than the /GW1000
        driver/. The GW1000 driver intitially focussed on
        supporting the GW1000 though the API used by the GW1000
        was common to other devices such as the WH2650 and WH2680.
        Subsequently, Ecowitt has released the GW1100, GW2000 and
        WN1900 devices which all use a common API. Ecowitt refers
        to the API as the Ecowitt Gateway LAN/Wi-Fi Gateway API.
        For these reasons I have started the process of changing
        the name of the GW1000 driver to the Ecowitt Gateway
        driver. In v0.5.0 the changes are largely cosmetic and
        internal, mostly centring on removing references to GW1000
        or GW1100 and replacing them with 'gateway device' or
        'gateway devices'. However, the driver filename is
        still and wee_extensionstill lists the driver as
        GW1000. I intend to change these names in a future release.

        A word about the driver wiki
        <>. I have
        updated most of the pages to reflect the changes
        introduced in v0.5.0 but there are still a few that need
        more work. I will be updating those over the coming days
        so please bear with me.

        Finally, whilst I have a variety of Ecowitt devices the
        only sensor suite or rain gauge I have is the WS90, so
        there are many sensor combinations that I have been unable
        to test against v0.5.0. I fully expect there will be
        issues with v0.5.0, though I expect these will be minor. I
        would welcome feedback via weewx-user on any issues
        identified/irregularities noticed.

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