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Re: Weewx - Belchertown and 24 hour time format
Hi Gary, thanks for dragging me out of the sin bin. The locale change 
seemed to work for a while, then the format defaulted back to 12 hr. One 
problem that is causing confusion is the fact that it takes 3 or 4 cycles 
for the change to take effect. I have now moved on to the skins.conf and 
your suggestion of   'D MMMM YYYY HH:mm:ss' was a good starting point. I 
now have the Last Updated in 24hr format!


On Saturday, 7 May 2022 at 17:20:31 UTC+10 gjr80 wrote:

> Barry,
> Unfortunately the Google groups spam checker leaves a bit to be desired. 
> If seems to mark some folks replies as spam for no apparent (to us) reason. 
> When a post is marked as spam the group managers/owners don't get notified 
> there are posts awaiting checking/release unless we happen to view the 
> group in a browser and notice the pending posts. And to cap it all off when 
> we do release a post that was marked as spam it is often shown as deleted 
> (well that is what happens to me 90% of the time, Tom seems to have more 
> success). Enough Google complaining.
> Changing the locale may have given you the 24 hour time format you seek 
> but I think you will find that changing locales to somewhere where you are 
> not may solve one problem but create a number of others (not necessarily 
> WeeWX related). The Belchertown skin appears to use a number of locale 
> based formats  (as does WeeWX) to give usable date-time formats for most 
> users around the world. When you want something different a half way decent 
> skin will give you the ability to alter the formats in weewx.conf or 
> skin.conf which is exactly what the Belchertown skin does. It might take 
> a bit of playing around but I would try and persist with your correct 
> locale and tweak the date and time formats in the Belchertown skin.conf 
> to get what you want. 
> Gary 
> On Saturday, 7 May 2022 at 17:06:15 UTC+10 gjr80 wrote:
>> Barry's reply was caught up again by the Google-groups spaminator. Even 
>> when I release the posts they show up as deleted so I have posted the first 
>> below (sans some formatting):
>> Gary
>> Thanks Gary, just got around to reading your post after an accelerated 
>> course in how to mess things up on Linux!! I am still not totally sure how 
>> Linux handles all the Date formatting as on first install the system clock 
>> t the bottom is in 24hr format, but every thing else displays as 12 hr. I 
>> finally solved the issue (I think) with the following Linux command
>> sudo localectl set-locale LC_TIME=en_GB.UTF-8
>> My locale was set as Canada where the 12hr format is more common, by 
>> changing the TIME part to GB it then uses 24hr. I am sure there are many 
>> good reasons I shouldn't do it this way but.........
>> Mind you, I haven't found a way to return to the 12hr format (not that I 
>> want to). I would have thought that 
>> sudo localectl set-locale LC_TIME=en_CA.UTF-8 would work, but it doesn't!
>> On Thursday, May 5, 2022 at 8:05:24 p.m. UTC-4 gjr80 wrote:
>> The problem you have with a skin such as Belchertown that relies on a mix 
>> of HTML and Javascript is that you are now no longer simply using WeeWX 
>> tags and formatting to generate the displayed data, but you likely have 
>> Javascript formatting to deal with as well. Chances are that changing WeeWX 
>> formatting, particularly for date-time data, will not give you what you 
>> want.
>> I don't use the Belchertown skins but looking in some of the templates 
>> pointed me to these settings in the Belchertown skin.conf [Labels] 
>> [[Generic]] (circa line 590):
>> # moment.js default labels formats
>> time_earthquake = "LLL"
>> time_last_updated = "LL, LTS"
>> time_snapshot_records_today_header = "dddd, LL"
>> time_snapshot_records_month_header = "MMMM YYYY"
>> time_sunrise = "LT"
>> time_sunset = "LT"
>> time_forecast_alert_expires = "LLL"
>> time_forecast_date = "ddd M/DD"
>> time_forecast_time = "ddd LT" # must be {day} {time} format
>> time_forecast_last_updated = "LLL"
>> time_records_page_full_date = "LLL"
>> time_records_page_month_day_year = "LL"
>> time_records_page_rainfall_range_begin = "MMMM DD"
>> time_records_page_rainfall_range_end = "LL"
>> To change the 'Last Updated' date-time on main page you need to change 
>> the time_last_updated setting. I suspect you will find that "LL LTS" is 
>> a locale based format which may or may not give you a 24 hour time format 
>> depending on your systems locale. If you google '*formatting date and 
>> time with moment.js*' you should find some useful information, it looks 
>> like something like 'D MMMM YYYY HH:mm:ss' may be a good starting point. 
>> Try changing that setting though you will need to wait for the next report 
>> cycle to see the effect of your changes.   
>> Gary

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