
    You might need to upgrade to the latest Belchertown skin 
( from github 
(,  You could also check that 
you have a value
for beaufort_count in your loop or archive record by running weewx in the 
terminal mode.  I did not see the beaufort category until I upgraded to the 
latest version.

On Tuesday, May 17, 2022 at 9:17:01 a.m. UTC-4 Meteo Oberwallis wrote:

> Hello.
> I have the same Problem. I have activatet the Option in 
> Belchertown/skin.conf
> # Show Beaufort wind scale category under wind table
>     beaufort_category = 1
> and i can not see the Beaufort text.
> In the weewx.conf have it this:
> [[Belchertown]]
>         HTML_ROOT = /var/www/html/weewx/user
>         skin = Belchertown
>         [[[Extras]]]
>             belchertown_root_url = 
>             beaufort_category = 1
> What have i for a mistake?
> [image: Unbenannt.PNG]
> Alan Bryant schrieb am Mittwoch, 21. April 2021 um 19:30:27 UTC+2:
>> I just did a fresh installation of the Belchertown skin, which I love, 
>> thank you Pat, and everything is working so far except for the 
>> beaufort_category.
>> I had this working earlier today, but I was having other intermittent 
>> issues, so I did a fresh installation. This time, the intermittent issues 
>> are gone, but the beaufort category is not displaying.
>> I have enabled debug in the Belchertown skin, but I am not seeing 
>> anything obvious. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
>> My website is
>> Here is the Belchertown config from weewx.conf:
>>     [[Belchertown]]
>>         skin = Belchertown
>>         HTML_ROOT = /var/www/html/weewx
>>         enable = true
>>         [[[Labels]]]
>>             [[[[Generic]]]]
>>                 #--- Common Titles under Labels Section to Change ---
>>                 home_page_header = "Pocket Farm Road Weather Conditions"
>>                 # graphs_page_header = "Weather Observation Graphs"
>>                 # reports_page_header = "Weather Observation Reports"
>>                 # records_page_header = "Weather Observation Records"
>>                 # about_page_header = "About This Site"
>>                 powered_by = 'Observations are powered by an <a 
>> href="/about" target="_blank">Ecowitt Personal Weather Station</a>'
>>                 footer_copyright_text = "Pocket Farm Road Weather"
>>                 # footer_disclaimer_text = "Never make important 
>> decisions based on info from this website."
>>         [[[Extras]]]
>>             # For help refer to the docs at 
>>             #--- General Options ---
>>             belchertown_debug = 1
>>             belchertown_locale = "auto"
>>             theme = auto
>>             theme_toggle_enabled = 1
>>             logo_image = "
>>             # logo_image_dark = ""
>>             site_title = "Pocket Farm Road Weather"
>>             station_observations = 
>> "barometer","dewpoint","outHumidity","rainWithRainRate","cloudbase","visibility","windrun"
>>             beaufort_categoty = 1
>>             manifest_name = "Pocket Farm Road Weather"
>>             manifest_short_name = "PFRW"
>>             # aeris_map = 0
>>             radar_html = '<iframe width="650" height="360" src="
>> frameborder="0"></iframe>'   #  (default seems to center on your lat/lon)
>>             # radar_html_dark = None
>>             # radar_zoom = 8
>>             radar_marker = 1
>>             # almanac_extras = 1
>>             # highcharts_enabled = 1
>>             # graph_page_show_all_button = 1
>>             # graph_page_default_graphgroup = "day"
>>             # highcharts_homepage_graphgroup = "day"
>>             # highcharts_decimal = "auto"
>>             # highcharts_thousands = "auto"
>>             # googleAnalyticsId = ""
>>             # pi_kiosk_bold = "false"
>>             # pi_theme = "auto"
>>             # webpage_autorefresh = 0
>>             reload_hook_images = 1
>>             # reload_images_radar = 300
>>             # reload_images_hook_asi = -1
>>             # reload_images_hook_af = -1
>>             # reload_images_hook_as = -1
>>             # reload_images_hook_ac = -1
>>             # show_last_updated_alert = 0
>>             # last_updated_alert_threshold = 1800
>>             #--- MQTT Websockets (for Real Time Streaming) Options ---
>>             mqtt_websockets_enabled = 1
>>             mqtt_websockets_host = ""
>>             mqtt_websockets_port = 9001
>>             mqtt_websockets_ssl = 1
>>             mqtt_websockets_topic = "weather/loop"
>>             # disconnect_live_website_visitor = 1800000
>>             #--- Forecast Options ---
>>             forecast_enabled = 1
>>             # forecast_provider = "aeris"
>>             forecast_api_id = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
>>             forecast_api_secret = 
>> "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
>>             # forecast_units = "us"
>>             # forecast_lang = "en"
>>             # forecast_stale = 3540
>>             # forecast_aeris_use_metar = 1
>>             # forecast_interval_hours = 24
>>             forecast_alert_enabled = 1
>>             forecast_alert_limit = 10
>>             forecast_show_daily_forecast_link = 1
>>             forecast_daily_forecast_link = "
>>             aqi_enabled = 1
>>             aqi_location_enabled = 1
>>             #--- Earthquake Options ---
>>             earthquake_enabled = 1
>>             # earthquake_maxradiuskm = 1000
>>             # earthquake_stale = 10740
>>             # earthquake_server = USGS
>>             # geonet_mmi = 4
>>             #--- Social Options ---
>>             # facebook_enabled = 0
>>             # twitter_enabled = 0
>>             # twitter_owner = ""
>>             # twitter_hashtags = "weewx #weather"
>>             # social_share_html = ""
>>             # twitter_text = "Check out my website: My Weather Website 
>> Weather Conditions"
>>             # twitter_owner = "YourTwitterUsernameHere"
>>             # twitter_hashtag = "weewx #weather"
>>             #-------------------------------------------------------------
>>             #---
>>             #--- python's ConfigObj has a limitation in how it processes
>>             #--- comments, so we need to define an 'unused' variable below
>>             #--- to ensure that this whole stanza makes it into weewx.conf
>>             #---
>>             #--- please ignore the following 'unused' variable
>>             #---
>>             #-------------------------------------------------------------
>>             work_around_ConfigObj_limitations = true

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