that page gives me
{ "data": { "did": "001D0A100829", "name": "IIS Ceccano", "ts": 506449, 
"conditions": [{ "lsid": 522424, "data_structure_type": 6, "temp": 86.1, 
"hum": 43.5, "dew_point": 61.3, "wet_bulb": 66.5, "heat_index": 86.5, 
"pm_1_last": 2, "pm_2p5_last": 3, "pm_10_last": 3, "pm_1": null, "pm_2p5": 
null, "pm_2p5_last_1_hour": null, "pm_2p5_last_3_hours": null, 
"pm_2p5_last_24_hours": null, "pm_2p5_nowcast": null, "pm_10": null, 
"pm_10_last_1_hour": null, "pm_10_last_3_hours": null, 
"pm_10_last_24_hours": null, "pm_10_nowcast": null, "last_report_time": 
506449, "pct_pm_data_last_1_hour": null, "pct_pm_data_last_3_hours": null, 
"pct_pm_data_nowcast": null, "pct_pm_data_last_24_hours": null }] }, 
"error": null }

So it seems it has not neither good timestamp neither good concentrations. 
How can I fix this?

Il giorno mercoledì 25 maggio 2022 alle 19:30:40 UTC+2 jo...@johnkline.com 
ha scritto:

> You’re getting this because the timestamp is bad:
> 'ts': 85460
> The specific message: user.airlink: last_report_time must be time since 
> boot: 85441 seconds.
> is worded that way because I found airlink was reporting time since reboot 
> (rather than time since epoch).  I observed this behavior until the airlink 
> started reporting concentrations.  I specifically check for pm1 to 
> determine this state.  In the case below, pm_1 is missing ('pm_1': None).
> I wouldn’t try to get this running in weewx until you have good data.  In 
> a browser, go to:
> http://<airlink-url-or-ip-address>/v1/current_conditions
> You need a good timestamp to show up here (e.g., right now, "ts": 
> 1653499667) and good concentrations (rather than None); e.g., "pm_1": 5.16
> Since it’s finding no valid concentrations, you are seeing the message 
> “Could not get concentrations from any source.”
> John
> On May 25, 2022, at 8:24 AM, anc...@gmail.com <anc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I just installed for the first time a Davis Airlink and I want to 
> integrate it in WeeWX with which my Davis VP2 already works. I followed the 
> instructions on the weewx-airlink page 
> <https://github.com/chaunceygardiner/weewx-airlink>, but for some reason 
> it is not working . Here is some log:
> May 25 16:11:01 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] ERROR user.airlink: 
> Could not get concentrations from any source.
> May 25 16:11:01 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] ERROR user.airlink: 
> Found no concentrations to insert.
> May 25 16:11:03 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] ERROR user.airlink: 
> Found no concentrations to insert.
> May 25 16:11:05 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] ERROR user.airlink: 
> Found no concentrations to insert.
> May 25 16:11:07 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] INFO user.airlink: 
> last_report_time must be time since boot: 85441 seconds.  Record: {'data': 
> {'did': '001D0A100829', 'name': 'IIS Ceccano', 'ts': 85441, 'conditions': 
> [{'lsid': 522424, 'data_structure_type': 6, 'temp': 92.0, 'hum': 26.5, 
> 'dew_point': 52.7, 'wet_bulb': 60.0, 'heat_index': 89.8, 'pm_1_last': 4, 
> 'pm_2p5_last': 5, 'pm_10_last': 5, 'pm_1': None, 'pm_2p5': None, 
> 'pm_2p5_last_1_hour': None, 'pm_2p5_last_3_hours': None, 
> 'pm_2p5_last_24_hours': None, 'pm_2p5_nowcast': None, 'pm_10': None, 
> 'pm_10_last_1_hour': None, 'pm_10_last_3_hours': None, 
> 'pm_10_last_24_hours': None, 'pm_10_nowcast': None, 'last_report_time': 
> 85441, 'pct_pm_data_last_1_hour': None, 'pct_pm_data_last_3_hours': None, 
> 'pct_pm_data_nowcast': None, 'pct_pm_data_last_24_hours': None}]}, 'error': 
> None}
> May 25 16:11:07 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] ERROR user.airlink: 
> Could not get concentrations from any source.
> May 25 16:11:07 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] ERROR user.airlink: 
> Found no concentrations to insert.
> May 25 16:11:09 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] ERROR user.airlink: 
> Found no concentrations to insert.
> May 25 16:11:11 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] ERROR user.airlink: 
> Found no concentrations to insert.
> May 25 16:11:12 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] INFO user.airlink: 
> last_report_time must be time since boot: 85446 seconds.  Record: {'data': 
> {'did': '001D0A100829', 'name': 'IIS Ceccano', 'ts': 85446, 'conditions': 
> [{'lsid': 522424, 'data_structure_type': 6, 'temp': 92.1, 'hum': 26.7, 
> 'dew_point': 53.0, 'wet_bulb': 60.3, 'heat_index': 89.9, 'pm_1_last': 4, 
> 'pm_2p5_last': 4, 'pm_10_last': 4, 'pm_1': None, 'pm_2p5': None, 
> 'pm_2p5_last_1_hour': None, 'pm_2p5_last_3_hours': None, 
> 'pm_2p5_last_24_hours': None, 'pm_2p5_nowcast': None, 'pm_10': None, 
> 'pm_10_last_1_hour': None, 'pm_10_last_3_hours': None, 
> 'pm_10_last_24_hours': None, 'pm_10_nowcast': None, 'last_report_time': 
> 85446, 'pct_pm_data_last_1_hour': None, 'pct_pm_data_last_3_hours': None, 
> 'pct_pm_data_nowcast': None, 'pct_pm_data_last_24_hours': None}]}, 'error': 
> None}
> May 25 16:11:12 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] ERROR user.airlink: 
> Could not get concentrations from any source.
> May 25 16:11:13 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] ERROR user.airlink: 
> Found no concentrations to insert.
> May 25 16:11:15 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] ERROR user.airlink: 
> Found no concentrations to insert.
> May 25 16:11:16 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] INFO weewx.manager: 
> Added record 2022-05-25 16:11:00 CEST (1653487860) to database 'weewx.sdb'
> May 25 16:11:16 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] INFO weewx.manager: 
> Added record 2022-05-25 16:11:00 CEST (1653487860) to daily summary in 
> 'weewx.sdb'
> May 25 16:11:16 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] ERROR user.airlink: 
> Found no concentrations to insert.
> May 25 16:11:17 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] ERROR user.airlink: 
> Found no concentrations to insert.
> May 25 16:11:19 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] INFO user.airlink: 
> collect_data: Attempt to fetch from: failed: 
> HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=80): Max retries exceeded 
> with url: /v1/current_conditions (Caused by 
> ConnectTimeoutError(<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 
> 0xb4c62350>, 'Connection to timed out. (connect timeout=2)')).
> May 25 16:11:19 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] ERROR user.airlink: 
> Could not get concentrations from any source.
> May 25 16:11:19 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] ERROR user.airlink: 
> Found no concentrations to insert.
> May 25 16:11:21 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] ERROR user.airlink: 
> Found no concentrations to insert.
> May 25 16:11:23 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] ERROR user.airlink: 
> Found no concentrations to insert.
> May 25 16:11:25 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] ERROR user.airlink: 
> Found no concentrations to insert.
> May 25 16:11:26 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] INFO user.airlink: 
> last_report_time must be time since boot: 85460 seconds.  Record: {'data': 
> {'did': '001D0A100829', 'name': 'IIS Ceccano', 'ts': 85460, 'conditions': 
> [{'lsid': 522424, 'data_structure_type': 6, 'temp': 92.2, 'hum': 26.8, 
> 'dew_point': 53.2, 'wet_bulb': 60.4, 'heat_index': 90.1, 'pm_1_last': 4, 
> 'pm_2p5_last': 7, 'pm_10_last': 7, 'pm_1': None, 'pm_2p5': None, 
> 'pm_2p5_last_1_hour': None, 'pm_2p5_last_3_hours': None, 
> 'pm_2p5_last_24_hours': None, 'pm_2p5_nowcast': None, 'pm_10': None, 
> 'pm_10_last_1_hour': None, 'pm_10_last_3_hours': None, 
> 'pm_10_last_24_hours': None, 'pm_10_nowcast': None, 'last_report_time': 
> 85460, 'pct_pm_data_last_1_hour': None, 'pct_pm_data_last_3_hours': None, 
> 'pct_pm_data_nowcast': None, 'pct_pm_data_last_24_hours': None}]}, 'error': 
> None}
> May 25 16:11:26 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] ERROR user.airlink: 
> Could not get concentrations from any source.
> May 25 16:11:27 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] ERROR user.airlink: 
> Found no concentrations to insert.
> May 25 16:11:29 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] ERROR user.airlink: 
> Found no concentrations to insert.
> May 25 16:11:31 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] ERROR user.airlink: 
> Found no concentrations to insert.
> May 25 16:11:32 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] INFO user.airlink: 
> last_report_time must be time since boot: 85466 seconds.  Record: {'data': 
> {'did': '001D0A100829', 'name': 'IIS Ceccano', 'ts': 85466, 'conditions': 
> [{'lsid': 522424, 'data_structure_type': 6, 'temp': 92.0, 'hum': 26.8, 
> 'dew_point': 53.1, 'wet_bulb': 60.3, 'heat_index': 89.8, 'pm_1_last': 5, 
> 'pm_2p5_last': 8, 'pm_10_last': 10, 'pm_1': None, 'pm_2p5': None, 
> 'pm_2p5_last_1_hour': None, 'pm_2p5_last_3_hours': None, 
> 'pm_2p5_last_24_hours': None, 'pm_2p5_nowcast': None, 'pm_10': None, 
> 'pm_10_last_1_hour': None, 'pm_10_last_3_hours': None, 
> 'pm_10_last_24_hours': None, 'pm_10_nowcast': None, 'last_report_time': 
> 85466, 'pct_pm_data_last_1_hour': None, 'pct_pm_data_last_3_hours': None, 
> 'pct_pm_data_nowcast': None, 'pct_pm_data_last_24_hours': None}]}, 'error': 
> None}
> May 25 16:11:32 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] ERROR user.airlink: 
> Could not get concentrations from any source.
> May 25 16:11:33 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] ERROR user.airlink: 
> Found no concentrations to insert.
> May 25 16:11:35 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] ERROR user.airlink: 
> Found no concentrations to insert.
> May 25 16:11:36 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] INFO user.airlink: 
> get_scalar called where record does not contain pm2_5.  This is unexpected.
> May 25 16:11:36 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] INFO 
> weewx.cheetahgenerator: Generated 16 files for report StandardReport in 
> 18.41 seconds
> May 25 16:11:37 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] ERROR user.airlink: 
> Found no concentrations to insert.
> May 25 16:11:39 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] INFO user.airlink: 
> collect_data: Attempt to fetch from: failed: 
> HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=80): Max retries exceeded 
> with url: /v1/current_conditions (Caused by 
> ConnectTimeoutError(<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 
> 0xb3d97710>, 'Connection to timed out. (connect timeout=2)')).
> May 25 16:11:39 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] ERROR user.airlink: 
> Could not get concentrations from any source.
> May 25 16:11:39 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] ERROR user.airlink: 
> Found no concentrations to insert.
> May 25 16:11:41 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] INFO 
> weewx.imagegenerator: Generated 15 images for report StandardReport in 5.33 
> seconds
> May 25 16:11:41 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] INFO 
> weewx.reportengine: Copied 14 files to /home/weewx/public_html
> May 25 16:11:41 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] ERROR user.airlink: 
> Found no concentrations to insert.
> May 25 16:11:42 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano /weewxd: historygenerator.py: No 
> bootstrap specific labels found
> May 25 16:11:42 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano /weewxd: historygenerator.py: 
> Generated 8 tables in 0.34 seconds
> May 25 16:11:43 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] ERROR user.airlink: 
> Found no concentrations to insert.
> May 25 16:11:45 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] ERROR user.airlink: 
> Found no concentrations to insert.
> May 25 16:11:46 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] INFO user.airlink: 
> collect_data: Attempt to fetch from: failed: 
> HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=80): Max retries exceeded 
> with url: /v1/current_conditions (Caused by 
> ConnectTimeoutError(<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 
> 0xb3cb5910>, 'Connection to timed out. (connect timeout=2)')).
> May 25 16:11:46 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] ERROR user.airlink: 
> Could not get concentrations from any source.
> May 25 16:11:47 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] ERROR user.airlink: 
> Found no concentrations to insert.
> May 25 16:11:49 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] ERROR user.airlink: 
> Found no concentrations to insert.
> May 25 16:11:51 StazioneMeteoiisCeccano weewx[32034] ERROR user.airlink: 
> Found no concentrations to insert.
> As you can see, it seems to get some data packets with the values inside 
> to be different each time, but in practice it does not put anything inside 
> the database (I checked that the columns pm1_0, pm2_5 etc. are present with 
> only null values). It is also curious that the Airlink is not working on 
> Weatherlink.com, but somehow it is connected to the network because I can 
> find it with a net scanner, and it seems that WeeWX can see it in some way 
> with these packets you can see within the log.
> Can anybody help me? Thank you!
> Andrea
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