Sorry - this is going to sound poorly informed... but here it goes.

I've been running weewx for years since the 3.x days.  Using the 
interceptor driver - first with the Ambient Weather devices, now with 
Ecowitt using a GW1000 as a gateway.

During that time I made numerous tweaks to the file system, changing skins, 
schemas, adding extensions, removing extensions, running through hubitat, 
then nodered, etc.  Of course, I'm not very good at documentation, so each 
change I made would eventually get pushed out of my brain in favor of the 
new project du jour.

I noticed a new gw1000 extension and thought maybe now would be a good time 
to wipe the slate and see what works out of the box.

Surprisingly, most everything does.  I do see some label and unit changes 
for radiation (used to be wmp2/radiation, now it's lux/luminosity).

But the most noticeable changes is I'm now missing ET.  Not sure how.  I 
don't remember having to do anything in my prior install to get it to 

confirmed in sqlite that it's not in the archive:

sqlite> select dateTime,ET,radiation,UV from archive order by dateTime desc 
limit 4;





It's in my schema and in my skins.conf:


            # Make sure the y-axis increment is at least 0.02 for the ET 

            yscale = None, None, 0.02

            plot_type = bar


                aggregate_type = sum

                aggregate_interval = hour

                label = Evapotranspiration (hourly total)

have tried both prefer-hardware and software in my weewx.conf for ET 

Hope it's obvious, but what am I missing?

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