If I want to upload additional data such as soil moisture to WOW, is it just a matter of adding it to:

class WOWThread(AmbientThread):
    """Class for posting to the WOW variant of the Ambient protocol."""

    # Types and formats of the data to be published:
    _FORMATS = {'dateTime': 'dateutc=%s',
                'barometer': 'baromin=%.3f',
                'outTemp': 'tempf=%.1f',
                'outHumidity': 'humidity=%.0f',
                'windSpeed': 'windspeedmph=%.0f',
                'windDir': 'winddir=%.0f',
                'windGust': 'windgustmph=%.0f',
                'windGustDir': 'windgustdir=%.0f',
                'dewpoint': 'dewptf=%.1f',
                'hourRain': 'rainin=%.2f',
                'dayRain': 'dailyrainin=%.3f'}

in restx.py?

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