Another data point, my station is missing some location info and barometric 
pressure on the Android app.  I have verified my upload data on the WU 
station web page and everything looks good.  One thing WU "lost" is my 
hardware type.  I have reset the station hardware info so we'll see what 
happens.  I have also opened a ticket with them on this issue.  
FWIW, a few years back WU moved some PWS stations to a new server and 
messed up my station.  I wonder if they have performed some data house 
cleaning and mucked up a few things?

I'll update the thread when I have additional info.

Thanks all for the input. 
Doug B.

On Sunday, August 7, 2022 at 9:02:10 AM UTC-7 wrote:

> I might have a hint about this. For quite some time, my VP2 (KAKWASIL2) 
> was one of very few PWS in my area. I had the same issues you described, 
> where it would disappear from the map but when viewed directly it would be 
> uploading. I went through all the troubleshooting steps with WU, and we 
> essentially came down to the sanity checks - if your weather is too far off 
> the "normal" reports then it's considered "bad" and not displayed until 
> "corrected". Thing is, my station is close to town, while the "official" 
> airport weather is several miles away and across a small set of hills, so 
> can be quite different. With no other reports to compare to, mine was 
> considered "off".
> As more stations came online, and more data was available, mine became 
> "more reliable" since more stations showed similar data. RapidFire adds 
> more data into the mix, so if your data is consistent and within certain 
> limits, then it's considered "more reliable". Also, if there's other PWS in 
> the area and all show similar data it helps. Mine would drop for a day or 
> two, then suddenly you'd query for zip 99654 and it would show as the 
> official town weather again :-)
> WU algorithms are known to be a bit flaky with sanity checks, but have 
> gotten much better over the years as more data has come online. Still, if 
> you're in an area with somewhat different temp/wind patterns, it can cause 
> WU's AI some headaches.
> On Saturday, August 6, 2022 at 11:21:38 AM UTC-8 Alastair L wrote:
>> Hi
>> Many thanks for all your responses and suggestions.  As a result I 
>> believe I can report success, my station now appears reliably in the WU 
>> maps.
>> I checked out the time on both my Pi and the Vantage console against my 
>> PC time and all were within seconds of each other.  So I tried I editing 
>> the rapidfire setting in the config file as suggested and changed it from 
>> false to true.  For the first time in ages my station (ILAIRG10) appeared 
>> on WU maps and  continues to appear - great!   I've waited some hours to 
>> confirm this is not just a fluke, and so far the station appears every time 
>> I have I've checked.  This hasn't been possible in months. I have wasted a 
>> lot of time fretting over this problem and it's great to have a solution.
>> I can see from the weewx log that weewx now sends data to WU every 2 
>> seconds now instead of  every 5 minutes previously and that the WU data 
>> table still updates every 5 minutes.  Curiously the time stamp on my WU 
>> data  table changed as soon as the rapid fire option was made, from e.g.  
>> 2:00PM, 2:05 PM, 2:10 PM etc to  e.g 2:34 PM, 2:39 PM, 2:44 PM etc.  These 
>> post rapidfire change time stamps now precisely align with the other two 
>> local stations (that I believe not running on Weewx), but what the 
>> significance is escapes me.  The comment made regarding WU dropping 
>> sites from the map if they aren't uploading reliably looks to have been 
>> true for me, but why, to my likely simplistic understanding, firing data at 
>> WU 150 times in 5 minutes, instead of a nice sedate once, improves 
>> reliability surprises me.  I'm not really clear what the logic behind 
>> this is but it works for me.  Perhaps someone can suggest an explanation?
>> Anyway, I'm happy now and thanks once again to you all for your input. 
>> Alastair

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