
Suddenly and out of the blue my ftp upload stopped working. The html files 
are generated as expected in /var/www/html/weewx and the file 
"celestial.html" referenced in the log extract below certainly exist in the 
library and opens correctly in Chrome.

Of course reboot has been tried.

Any help would be highly appreciated!

Sep 15 14:46:14 Homeserver weewx[573] ERROR weeutil.ftpupload: Failed 
uploading /var/www/html/weewx/celestial.html to server ftp.myurl.se. 
Reason: '550 Requested action not taken. File unavailable (e.g., file not 
found, no access).'
Sep 15 14:46:14 Homeserver weewx[573] ERROR weewx.reportengine: 
ftpgenerator: (2): caught exception '<class 'ftplib.error_perm'>': 550 
Requested action not taken. File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no 
Sep 15 14:46:14 Homeserver weewx[573] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         
****  Traceback (most recent call last):
Sep 15 14:46:14 Homeserver weewx[573] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         
****    File "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/reportengine.py", line 331, in run
Sep 15 14:46:14 Homeserver weewx[573] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         
****      n = ftp_data.run()
Sep 15 14:46:14 Homeserver weewx[573] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         
****    File "/usr/share/weewx/weeutil/ftpupload.py", line 178, in run
Sep 15 14:46:14 Homeserver weewx[573] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         
****      ftp_server.storbinary(stor_cmd, fd)
Sep 15 14:46:14 Homeserver weewx[573] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         
****    File "/usr/lib/python3.7/ftplib.py", line 504, in storbinary
Sep 15 14:46:14 Homeserver weewx[573] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         
****      with self.transfercmd(cmd, rest) as conn:
Sep 15 14:46:14 Homeserver weewx[573] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         
****    File "/usr/lib/python3.7/ftplib.py", line 399, in transfercmd
Sep 15 14:46:14 Homeserver weewx[573] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         
****      return self.ntransfercmd(cmd, rest)[0]
Sep 15 14:46:14 Homeserver weewx[573] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         
****    File "/usr/lib/python3.7/ftplib.py", line 365, in ntransfercmd
Sep 15 14:46:14 Homeserver weewx[573] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         
****      resp = self.sendcmd(cmd)
Sep 15 14:46:14 Homeserver weewx[573] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         
****    File "/usr/lib/python3.7/ftplib.py", line 273, in sendcmd
Sep 15 14:46:14 Homeserver weewx[573] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         
****      return self.getresp()
Sep 15 14:46:14 Homeserver weewx[573] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         
****    File "/usr/lib/python3.7/ftplib.py", line 246, in getresp
Sep 15 14:46:14 Homeserver weewx[573] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         
****      raise error_perm(resp)
Sep 15 14:46:14 Homeserver weewx[573] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         
****  ftplib.error_perm: 550 Requested action not taken. File unavailable 
(e.g., file not found, no access).
Sep 15 14:46:14 Homeserver weewx[573] ERROR weewx.reportengine: 
ftpgenerator: Upload failed
Sep 15 14:46:14 Homeserver weewx[573] DEBUG weewx.reportengine: Report 
'RSYNC' not enabled. Skipping.
Sep 15 14:46:16 Homeserver weewx[573] DEBUG user.MQTTSubscribe: (Service) 
MessageCallbackProvider data-> incoming topic: Jettystation/Watertemp, QOS: 
0, retain: 0, payload: b'14.50'
Sep 15 14:46:16 Homeserver weewx[573] DEBUG user.MQTTSubscribe: (Service) 
TopicManager data-> incoming Jettystation/Watertemp: extraTemp1: 14.5

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