If you look a little further down the RFC 959 standard that your support
team linked to, you'll see:

      The prior existence of a subdirectory with the same name is an
      error, and the server must return an "access denied" error reply
      in that case.

         CWD /usr/dm
         200 directory changed to /usr/dm
         MKD pathname
         521-"/usr/dm/pathname" directory already exists;
         521 taking no action.

      The failure replies for MKD are analogous to its file  creating
      cousin, STOR.  Also, an "access denied" return is given if a file
      name with the same name as the subdirectory will conflict with the
      creation of the subdirectory (this is a problem on UNIX, but
      shouldn't be one on TOPS-20).

But it doesn't matter because WeeWX looks for either a 550 or 521.

On Thu, Sep 29, 2022 at 9:16 AM PeterGill <p.gillbr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> TK,
>  if you have time I would just like to get your comment on the reply I got
> from my providers tech support quoted below. They claim a MKD command for
> an existing directory produces a 550 error, not a 521. If that´s true I
> assume WeeWX handles that as well. Anyway, the uploads suddenly started to
> work at 2pm the 27th of Sep without me doing anything at all. I have asked
> the tech support again if they have any idea on why.
> Here is the response from the support
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *We actually got an update from our Technical Team. According to them, the
> relevant team tried to recheck this and they have even used Pure-FTPd and
> it's giving the same error message as we do and the old proxy:   ```ftp>
> mkdir somefile 550 Can't create directory: File exists```   The RFC for FTP
> says the codes mkd can give is   MKD 257 500, 501, 502, 421, 530, 550 550
> if it failed to create   Reference:
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc959
> <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc959>   And just to make sure,
> they have  tested it in one of our server which still has the old setup*
> *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
> As said, just look at this if you have time
> On Wednesday, September 28, 2022 at 2:09:35 PM UTC+2 tke...@gmail.com
> wrote:
>> Glad it ended well!
>> On Wed, Sep 28, 2022 at 4:45 AM PeterGill <p.gil...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Thanks again TK and again you were right.  The problem was apparently on
>>> the provider side. After reaching out to their support it suddenly started
>>> to work again. I´ll see if I can get a response from them on the reasons
>>> why. If so  I´ll post it here for reference.
>>> /PG
>>> On Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 12:19:18 AM UTC+2 tke...@gmail.com
>>> wrote:
>>>> A MKD command for an existing subdirectory should simply produce a 521
>>>> error. WeeWX expects this and, if it occurs, moves on. If the FTP server is
>>>> behaving properly, it certainly won't terminate the session.
>>>> Besides, the error is occurring during a file upload, not while making
>>>> a directory.
>>>> What FTP server is your host using?
>>>> -tk
>>>> On Mon, Sep 26, 2022 at 2:56 PM PeterGill <p.gil...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi again,
>>>>> Now the problem is back but in a different way, Suddenly and again
>>>>> without any change from my side files are not uploaded with FTP to my
>>>>> provider. After a lengthy discussion with their support they claim:
>>>>> " Our Tech Team was able to fetch the logs for FTP & SFTP yesterday
>>>>> and today. They found that you already have a 'weather'' subdirectory in
>>>>> your webspace and as per logs, you are doing "mkdir" for the 'weather'
>>>>> subdirectory and it fails due to it already exists."
>>>>> I have tried with deleting the "weather" subdirectory on my FTP site
>>>>> to enable a full rebuild. The directory is recreated and "celestial.html"
>>>>> is uploaded and present on the FTP-site but then it stops.
>>>>> Error log is as follows:
>>>>> Sep 26 23:30:28 Homeserver weewx[568] DEBUG weeutil.ftpupload:
>>>>> Attempting connection to ftp.myftp.se
>>>>> Sep 26 23:30:28 Homeserver weewx[568] DEBUG weeutil.ftpupload:
>>>>> Connected to ftp.myftp.se
>>>>> Sep 26 23:30:28 Homeserver weewx[568] DEBUG weeutil.ftpupload: 0
>>>>> ./celestial.html
>>>>> c006bdaaa5145a308e2b5a1904f810fda268f86b0518f179d1f15f05f56b4526
>>>>> Sep 26 23:30:28 Homeserver weewx[568] DEBUG weeutil.ftpupload:
>>>>> Uploaded file /var/www/html/weewx/celestial.html to /customers/d/4/7/
>>>>> myftp.se/httpd.www/weather/celestial.html
>>>>> Sep 26 23:30:28 Homeserver weewx[568] DEBUG weeutil.ftpupload: 1
>>>>> ./weekvolt.png
>>>>> 3de9d29fe23433bab4b9e084292883e5ac2914786a3d8673b78125d757266714
>>>>> Sep 26 23:30:28 Homeserver weewx[568] ERROR weeutil.ftpupload: Failed
>>>>> uploading /var/www/html/weewx/weekvolt.png to server ftp.myftp.se.
>>>>> Reason: ''
>>>>> Sep 26 23:30:28 Homeserver weewx[568] ERROR weewx.reportengine:
>>>>> ftpgenerator: (2): caught exception '<class 'ftplib.error_proto'>':
>>>>> Sep 26 23:30:28 Homeserver weewx[568] ERROR weewx.reportengine:
>>>>>   ****  Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>> Sep 26 23:30:28 Homeserver weewx[568] ERROR weewx.reportengine:
>>>>>   ****    File "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/reportengine.py", line 331, in run
>>>>> Sep 26 23:30:28 Homeserver weewx[568] ERROR weewx.reportengine:
>>>>>   ****      n = ftp_data.run()
>>>>> Sep 26 23:30:28 Homeserver weewx[568] ERROR weewx.reportengine:
>>>>>   ****    File "/usr/share/weewx/weeutil/ftpupload.py", line 178, in run
>>>>> Sep 26 23:30:28 Homeserver weewx[568] ERROR weewx.reportengine:
>>>>>   ****      ftp_server.storbinary(stor_cmd, fd)
>>>>> Sep 26 23:30:28 Homeserver weewx[568] ERROR weewx.reportengine:
>>>>>   ****    File "/usr/lib/python3.7/ftplib.py", line 503, in storbinary
>>>>> Sep 26 23:30:28 Homeserver weewx[568] ERROR weewx.reportengine:
>>>>>   ****      self.voidcmd('TYPE I')
>>>>> Sep 26 23:30:28 Homeserver weewx[568] ERROR weewx.reportengine:
>>>>>   ****    File "/usr/lib/python3.7/ftplib.py", line 278, in voidcmd
>>>>> Sep 26 23:30:28 Homeserver weewx[568] ERROR weewx.reportengine:
>>>>>   ****      return self.voidresp()
>>>>> Sep 26 23:30:28 Homeserver weewx[568] ERROR weewx.reportengine:
>>>>>   ****    File "/usr/lib/python3.7/ftplib.py", line 251, in voidresp
>>>>> Sep 26 23:30:28 Homeserver weewx[568] ERROR weewx.reportengine:
>>>>>   ****      resp = self.getresp()
>>>>> Sep 26 23:30:28 Homeserver weewx[568] ERROR weewx.reportengine:
>>>>>   ****    File "/usr/lib/python3.7/ftplib.py", line 247, in getresp
>>>>> Sep 26 23:30:28 Homeserver weewx[568] ERROR weewx.reportengine:
>>>>>   ****      raise error_proto(resp)
>>>>> Sep 26 23:30:28 Homeserver weewx[568] ERROR weewx.reportengine:
>>>>>   ****  ftplib.error_proto
>>>>> Sep 26 23:30:28 Homeserver weewx[568] ERROR weewx.reportengine:
>>>>> ftpgenerator: Upload failed
>>>>> Any help would be highly appreciated!
>>>>> On Saturday, September 17, 2022 at 3:16:25 AM UTC+2 Steve2Q wrote:
>>>>>> Peter..you are very welcome. I hope I saved you saved some time and
>>>>>> aggrevation.
>>>>>> On Friday, September 16, 2022 at 3:58:52 AM UTC-4 PeterGill wrote:
>>>>>>> Steve, it turned out you were right, the problem was at my provider
>>>>>>> side. Problem solved. Thanks for engaging!
>>>>>>> On Thursday, September 15, 2022 at 9:56:04 PM UTC+2 PeterGill wrote:
>>>>>>>> Thanks Steve, I´m talking to my provider right now and I´ll update
>>>>>>>> here if the problem is with them
>>>>>>>> On Thursday, September 15, 2022 at 7:11:29 PM UTC+2 Steve2Q wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Peter..I had the exact same problem with DreamHost. For some
>>>>>>>>> reason they blocked my IP. They unblocked it yesterday afternoon, and 
>>>>>>>>> FTP
>>>>>>>>> started working a few hours later.
>>>>>>>>> On Thursday, September 15, 2022 at 9:58:56 AM UTC-4 PeterGill
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the quick answer. Sorry for a stupid follow up
>>>>>>>>>> question - how do I make sure the right access permissions are set?
>>>>>>>>>> On Thursday, September 15, 2022 at 3:52:21 PM UTC+2
>>>>>>>>>> tke...@gmail.com wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> I don't know why it would have changed, but make sure you have
>>>>>>>>>>> access permissions to whatever directory you are trying to upload 
>>>>>>>>>>> to.
>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Sep 15, 2022 at 6:39 AM PeterGill <p.gil...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Suddenly and out of the blue my ftp upload stopped working. The
>>>>>>>>>>>> html files are generated as expected in /var/www/html/weewx and 
>>>>>>>>>>>> the file
>>>>>>>>>>>> "celestial.html" referenced in the log extract below certainly 
>>>>>>>>>>>> exist in the
>>>>>>>>>>>> library and opens correctly in Chrome.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Of course reboot has been tried.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Any help would be highly appreciated!
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sep 15 14:46:14 Homeserver weewx[573] ERROR weeutil.ftpupload:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Failed uploading /var/www/html/weewx/celestial.html to server
>>>>>>>>>>>> ftp.myurl.se. Reason: '550 Requested action not taken. File
>>>>>>>>>>>> unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access).'
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sep 15 14:46:14 Homeserver weewx[573] ERROR weewx.reportengine:
>>>>>>>>>>>> ftpgenerator: (2): caught exception '<class 'ftplib.error_perm'>': 
>>>>>>>>>>>> 550
>>>>>>>>>>>> Requested action not taken. File unavailable (e.g., file not 
>>>>>>>>>>>> found, no
>>>>>>>>>>>> access).
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sep 15 14:46:14 Homeserver weewx[573] ERROR weewx.reportengine:
>>>>>>>>>>>>         ****  Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sep 15 14:46:14 Homeserver weewx[573] ERROR weewx.reportengine:
>>>>>>>>>>>>         ****    File "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/reportengine.py", 
>>>>>>>>>>>> line 331, in
>>>>>>>>>>>> run
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sep 15 14:46:14 Homeserver weewx[573] ERROR weewx.reportengine:
>>>>>>>>>>>>         ****      n = ftp_data.run()
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sep 15 14:46:14 Homeserver weewx[573] ERROR weewx.reportengine:
>>>>>>>>>>>>         ****    File "/usr/share/weewx/weeutil/ftpupload.py", line 
>>>>>>>>>>>> 178, in
>>>>>>>>>>>> run
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sep 15 14:46:14 Homeserver weewx[573] ERROR weewx.reportengine:
>>>>>>>>>>>>         ****      ftp_server.storbinary(stor_cmd, fd)
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sep 15 14:46:14 Homeserver weewx[573] ERROR weewx.reportengine:
>>>>>>>>>>>>         ****    File "/usr/lib/python3.7/ftplib.py", line 504, in 
>>>>>>>>>>>> storbinary
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sep 15 14:46:14 Homeserver weewx[573] ERROR weewx.reportengine:
>>>>>>>>>>>>         ****      with self.transfercmd(cmd, rest) as conn:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sep 15 14:46:14 Homeserver weewx[573] ERROR weewx.reportengine:
>>>>>>>>>>>>         ****    File "/usr/lib/python3.7/ftplib.py", line 399, in
>>>>>>>>>>>> transfercmd
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sep 15 14:46:14 Homeserver weewx[573] ERROR weewx.reportengine:
>>>>>>>>>>>>         ****      return self.ntransfercmd(cmd, rest)[0]
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sep 15 14:46:14 Homeserver weewx[573] ERROR weewx.reportengine:
>>>>>>>>>>>>         ****    File "/usr/lib/python3.7/ftplib.py", line 365, in
>>>>>>>>>>>> ntransfercmd
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sep 15 14:46:14 Homeserver weewx[573] ERROR weewx.reportengine:
>>>>>>>>>>>>         ****      resp = self.sendcmd(cmd)
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sep 15 14:46:14 Homeserver weewx[573] ERROR weewx.reportengine:
>>>>>>>>>>>>         ****    File "/usr/lib/python3.7/ftplib.py", line 273, in 
>>>>>>>>>>>> sendcmd
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sep 15 14:46:14 Homeserver weewx[573] ERROR weewx.reportengine:
>>>>>>>>>>>>         ****      return self.getresp()
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sep 15 14:46:14 Homeserver weewx[573] ERROR weewx.reportengine:
>>>>>>>>>>>>         ****    File "/usr/lib/python3.7/ftplib.py", line 246, in 
>>>>>>>>>>>> getresp
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sep 15 14:46:14 Homeserver weewx[573] ERROR weewx.reportengine:
>>>>>>>>>>>>         ****      raise error_perm(resp)
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sep 15 14:46:14 Homeserver weewx[573] ERROR weewx.reportengine:
>>>>>>>>>>>>         ****  ftplib.error_perm: 550 Requested action not taken. 
>>>>>>>>>>>> File
>>>>>>>>>>>> unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access).
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sep 15 14:46:14 Homeserver weewx[573] ERROR weewx.reportengine:
>>>>>>>>>>>> ftpgenerator: Upload failed
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sep 15 14:46:14 Homeserver weewx[573] DEBUG weewx.reportengine:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Report 'RSYNC' not enabled. Skipping.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sep 15 14:46:16 Homeserver weewx[573] DEBUG user.MQTTSubscribe:
>>>>>>>>>>>> (Service) MessageCallbackProvider data-> incoming topic:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Jettystation/Watertemp, QOS: 0, retain: 0, payload: b'14.50'
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sep 15 14:46:16 Homeserver weewx[573] DEBUG user.MQTTSubscribe:
>>>>>>>>>>>> (Service) TopicManager data-> incoming Jettystation/Watertemp: 
>>>>>>>>>>>> extraTemp1:
>>>>>>>>>>>> 14.5
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