I have the fix. I realized that I was actually sending EMPTY messages to 
ALL of these from WEEWX - WindGuru is THE ONLY SITE that rejects the empty 
messages of all of the below! LOL


When I originally set up weewx a couple years ago and I had this issue and 
this was the original fix - I was bummed that my complaints about it had 
never been addressed. The source code I include in the .zip file below is 
an older version from Matt I think it was .54b or the like...

Having remembered the issue is an old problem with the interceptor driver - 
I haven't had the chance to debug it yet but will at some point - in any 
event, note the attached zip file which has a readme included I wrote which 

"This is a workaround/fix for an issue with intercepting AmbientWeather 
console messages using the Interceptor driver for the WS-2902C model 
weather (and possibly similar models):

The latest interceptor integration has a file which I have renamed 
interceptor.py.new.bad, a copy is in this .zip file. This ends up
causing all of the data sent to various weather web sites to actually 
be an empty message! The older interceptor.py file which is included 
here (renamed to interceptor.py.old.good), still works.

Just rename the interceptor.py.old.good file as interceptor.py and 
place it in:

"/usr/share/weewx/user"  (that last directory is NOT misspelled)

(You might want to rename the old (newer) interceptor.py that 
is already there on your machine first for your comfort level).

Note, there will be several messages in the log about "unrecognized
parameters" when using this driver, but those are the more esoteric 
weather station details that are typically not used - and those 
messages can be ignored, unless you want to update weewx and the 
DB schema to also handle those."

On Monday, November 14, 2022 at 3:30:48 PM UTC-5 gjr80 wrote:

> I agree with Tom, the WindGuru uploader is not part of WeeWX so the 
> problem should be taken up with the WindGuru uploader author. But....
> It would be worthwhile seeing the full story rather than just a few small 
> extracts. Interceptor based installs can be complex and you can sometimes 
> see some (seemingly) unusual behaviour. Does the WindGuru issue occur every 
> archive record or just occasionally? It would be worthwhile seeing the 
> WeeWX startup and an extended log extract. I would suggest editing 
> weewx.conf and setting debug = 2. Restart WeeWX. Let WeeWX run until at 
> least a couple of WindGuru errors occur. Take a log extract showing the 
> full WeeWX startup sequence, do not alter/filter anything in the log. This 
> will give us a clear picture of your WeeWX config. Also include a log 
> extract showing the WindGuru errors, make sure you include at least two 
> full archive periods before the WindGuru error. Again don't alter/filter 
> anything in the log. With debug = 2, the interceptor driver and multiple 
> uploads the log extract will likely be lengthy, but it will give the full 
> picture as to what is going on.
> Gary
> On Tuesday, 15 November 2022 at 03:06:50 UTC+10 tke...@gmail.com wrote:
>> On Mon, Nov 14, 2022 at 8:49 AM Kruse Ludington <rklud...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> Here's an example of data received every 16 seconds form the 
>>> AmbientWeather WS-2902C using the Interceptor driver:
>>> Nov 14 11:30:14 kruse-pi homeassistant[821]: #033[32m2022-11-14 
>>> 11:30:14.951 INFO (MainThread) [aioambient] Received packet MESSAGE data 
>>> 2["data",{"dateutc":1668443400000,"tempinf":76.3,"humidityin":33,"baromrelin":30.154,"baromabsin":30.281,"tempf":42.3,"battout":1,"humidity":50,"winddir":313,"windspeedmph":6.3,"windgustmph":8.1,"maxdailygust":17.2,"hourlyrainin":0,"eventrainin":0,"dailyrainin":0,"weeklyrainin":0.091,"monthlyrainin":1.701,"totalrainin":15.63,"solarradiation":390.55,"uv":3,"temp1f":69.6,"humidity1":49,"batt1":1,"batt_co2":1,"feelsLike":38.31,"dewPoint":25,"feelsLike1":68.6,"dewPoint1":49.6,"feelsLikein":75.2,"dewPointin":45.1,"lastRain":"2022-11-13T13:35:00.000Z","tz":"America/New_York","date":"2022-11-14T16:30:00.000Z","macAddress":"E8:DB:84:E6:D0:B0"}]#033[0m
>> None of these observation types are in the normal WeeWX schema. Perhaps 
>> the interceptor station map is wrong or inoperative?
>> I don't have an explanation for why they would work for other upload 
>> sites. Perhaps they just don't report an error?
>> -tk

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<<attachment: old_interceptor.py_that_works.zip>>

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