There should actually be values in there.

echo "SELECT dateTime, rain FROM archive" | sqlite3 /var/lib/weewx/weewx.sdb

01.01.2019 00:00;6,9;97;1026,6;0,2;4,7;242;9,7
01.01.2019 00:01;6,9;97;1026,6;0,2;4,7;251;7,9
01.01.2019 00:02;6,9;97;1026,6;0;4,7;250;7,9
01.01.2019 00:03;6,9;97;1026,6;0;4,7;245;4,7

gjr80 schrieb am Samstag, 14. Januar 2023 um 23:19:12 UTC+1:

> OK. Let's go straight to the horses head, what happens when you manually 
> query the database archive table for the period concerned. Do each of the 
> rows show the correct rainfall data or is it missing?
> Gary
> On Sunday, 15 January 2023 at 08:06:20 UTC+10 wrote:
>> Thanks for the info. But for testing I delete every time the whole DB and 
>> the NOAA reports. I have a Weewx test environment specifically for this.
>> gjr80 schrieb am Samstag, 14. Januar 2023 um 23:03:41 UTC+1:
>>> You need to be very careful when using the NOAA format reports to verify 
>>> the import of historical data, this is because only the current month and 
>>> current year reports are updated each report cycle. Historical reports are 
>>> not updated so will not reflect and changes to earlier data. The sample 
>>> data you provided is from January 2019 so I am guessing you did not import 
>>> into the current month and year on your system. Try deleting all of your 
>>> NOAA format reports from your WeeWX system, they will all be re-generated 
>>> on the next report cycle based on the current database data.
>>> Gary 
>>> On Sunday, 15 January 2023 at 07:06:08 UTC+10 
>>> wrote:
>>>> [image: 2023-01-14 22_05_47-Blub.png]
>>>> David Schulz schrieb am Samstag, 14. Januar 2023 um 22:04:28 UTC+1:
>>>>> wee_import --verbose --import-config=/etc/weewx/import/csv.conf
>>>>> /usr/share/weewx/wee_import:719: DeprecationWarning: The distutils 
>>>>> package is deprecated and slated for removal in Python 3.12. Use 
>>>>> setuptools 
>>>>> or check PEP 632 for potential alternatives
>>>>>   from distutils.version import StrictVersion
>>>>> Using WeeWX configuration file /etc/weewx/weewx.conf
>>>>> Starting wee_import...
>>>>> A CSV import from source file '/etc/weewx/import/EXP201901A.CSV' has 
>>>>> been requested.
>>>>> The following options will be used:
>>>>>      config=/etc/weewx/weewx.conf, 
>>>>> import-config=/etc/weewx/import/csv.conf
>>>>>      source=/etc/weewx/import/EXP201901A.CSV, from=None, to=None
>>>>>      dry-run=None, calc_missing=True, ignore_invalid_data=True
>>>>>      tranche=1000, interval=derive, date/time_string_format=%d.%m.%Y 
>>>>> %H:%M
>>>>>      delimiter=';', rain=cumulative, wind_direction=[-360.0, 360.0]
>>>>>      UV=False, radiation=False
>>>>> Using database binding 'wx_binding', which is bound to database 
>>>>> 'weewx.sdb'
>>>>> Destination table 'archive' unit system is '0x01' (US).
>>>>> Missing derived observations will be calculated.
>>>>> All WeeWX UV fields will be set to None.
>>>>> All WeeWX radiation fields will be set to None.
>>>>> Starting import ...
>>>>> Obtaining raw import data for period 1 ...
>>>>> The following imported field-to-WeeWX field map will be used:
>>>>>      source field 'DatumZeit' in units 'unix_epoch' --> WeeWX field 
>>>>> 'dateTime'
>>>>>      source field 'Temp' in units 'degree_C' --> WeeWX field 'outTemp'
>>>>>      source field 'Feuchte' in units 'percent' --> WeeWX field 
>>>>> 'outHumidity'
>>>>>      source field 'Luftdruck' in units 'hPa' --> WeeWX field 
>>>>> 'barometer'
>>>>>      source field 'Regen' in units 'mm' --> WeeWX field 'rain'
>>>>>      source field 'Wind' in units 'km_per_hour' --> WeeWX field 
>>>>> 'windSpeed'
>>>>>      source field 'Richtung' in units 'degree_compass' --> WeeWX field 
>>>>> 'windDir'
>>>>>      source field 'Windboeen' in units 'km_per_hour' --> WeeWX field 
>>>>> 'windGust'
>>>>> Raw import data read successfully for period 1.
>>>>> Mapping raw import data for period 1 ...
>>>>> Mapped 1440 records.
>>>>> Raw import data mapped successfully for period 1.
>>>>> Saving mapped data to archive for period 1 ...
>>>>> 1440 records identified for import.
>>>>> Proceeding will save all imported records in the WeeWX archive.
>>>>> Are you sure you want to proceed (y/n)? y
>>>>> Unique records processed: 1440; Last timestamp: 2019-01-01 23:59:00 
>>>>> CET (1546383540)
>>>>> Mapped data saved to archive successfully ""for period 1.
>>>>> Calculating missing derived observations ...
>>>>> Processing record: 1440; Last record: 2019-01-02 00:00:00 CET 
>>>>> (1546383600)
>>>>> Recalculating daily summaries...
>>>>> Records processed: 1000; time: 2019-01-01 16:39:00 CET (1546357140)
>>>>> Finished recalculating daily summaries
>>>>> Finished calculating missing derived observations
>>>>> Finished import
>>>>> 1440 records were processed and 1440 unique records imported in 40.49 
>>>>> seconds.
>>>>> Those records with a timestamp already in the archive will not have 
>>>>> been
>>>>> imported. Confirm successful import in the WeeWX log file.
>>>>> David Schulz schrieb am Samstag, 14. Januar 2023 um 22:03:34 UTC+1:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> i want to import some old weatherdata via csv file, but after the 
>>>>>> import, the raindata is missing. i tried the import with "rain = 
>>>>>> cumulative 
>>>>>> / discrete".
>>>>>> Here my config:
>>>>>> source = CSV
>>>>>> #######################################
>>>>>> [CSV]
>>>>>>     file = /etc/weewx/import/EXP201901A.CSV
>>>>>>     delimiter = ;
>>>>>>     interval = derive
>>>>>>     qc = True
>>>>>>     calc_missing = True
>>>>>>     ignore_invalid_data = True
>>>>>>     tranche = 1000
>>>>>>     UV_sensor = False
>>>>>>     solar_sensor = False
>>>>>>     raw_datetime_format = %d.%m.%Y %H:%M
>>>>>>     # rain = (discrete | cumulative)
>>>>>>     rain = cumulative
>>>>>>     wind_direction = -360,360
>>>>>>     [[FieldMap]]
>>>>>>         dateTime    = DatumZeit, unix_epoch
>>>>>>         outTemp     = Temp, degree_C
>>>>>>         outHumidity = Feuchte, percent
>>>>>>         barometer   = Luftdruck, hPa
>>>>>>         rain        = Regen, mm
>>>>>>         windSpeed   = Wind, km_per_hour
>>>>>>         windDir     = Richtung, degree_compass
>>>>>>         windGust    = Windboeen, km_per_hour
>>>>>> And here some sample data.
>>>>>> DatumZeit;Temp;Feuchte;Luftdruck;Regen;Wind;Richtung;Windboeen
>>>>>> 01.01.2019 00:00;6,9;97;1026,6;0,2;4,7;242;9,7
>>>>>> 01.01.2019 00:01;6,9;97;1026,6;0,2;4,7;251;7,9
>>>>>> 01.01.2019 00:02;6,9;97;1026,6;0,2;4,7;250;7,9
>>>>>> 01.01.2019 00:03;6,9;97;1026,6;0,2;4,7;245;4,7
>>>>>> 01.01.2019 00:04;6,9;97;1026,6;0;4,7;250;7,9
>>>>>> 01.01.2019 00:05;6,9;97;1026,5;0;4,7;234;7,9
>>>>>> 01.01.2019 00:06;6,9;97;1026,5;0;4,7;232;11,2
>>>>>> 01.01.2019 00:07;7;97;1026,5;0;4,7;234;4,7
>>>>>> 01.01.2019 00:08;7;97;1026,5;0;4,7;241;7,9
>>>>>> 01.01.2019 00:09;7;97;1026,5;0;4,7;240;6,5

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