I'm not sure if you are providing a running commentary or seeking help. If 
the latter then I have no idea where to start. Personally, I think your 
architecture is way too complex; you appear to be running a highly modified 
driver that seeks to amalgamate data from two sources. I imagine you will 
strike all sorts of corner cases depending on what arrives when. I would 
also question the utility of reading indoor obs every seven seconds, seems 
way too frequent to me. All told I doubt you are going to find too many 
folks here to help.

Why not run a standard sdr driver to feed WeeWX with loop packets from the 
Atlas with a simple, non-threaded data service bound to the new loop packet 
arrival to read the 'indoor data' (I assume this is pressure, temperature 
and humidity) and augment the loop packet. Far more modular and easier to 
test/develop (and get help), you will be running a standard sdr driver, and 
since you are already getting your hands dirty modifying the sdr driver, 
writing a small data service to handle the Arduino input should be a walk 
in the park. If the Arduino is serially connected to the RPi you should not 
have great latency in accessing data, so a suitably short timeout on the 
serial reads should provide you with you indoor data without blocking the 
main WeeWX thread. Once proved, the serial read could be moved to a thread 
if you really had the need.


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