What station/driver are you using? It may be that your station/driver do 
not emit windGust and windGustDir. If you don't know whether it does emit 
them you can get a quick indication by running running WeeWX directly 
<http://weewx.com/docs/usersguide.htm#Running_directly>, if your station 
does emit them windGust and windGustDir will appear in loop packets/archive 
records. If windGust and windGustDir are not they you may have an issue, 
but most likely it is because your station/driver does not emit them.


On Monday, 29 May 2023 at 00:44:33 UTC+10 HoracioDos wrote:

I can't get windDir and windGustDir data in MQTT uploader. I was able to 
add other  missing measurements successfully like ET, windchill, windrun 
and interval.

This is my MQTT section in weewx.conf
        server_url = mqtt://usr:pwd@localhost:1883/

        topic = weewx
        unit_system = METRIC
        binding = archive, loop
        aggregation = aggregate
        log_success = False
        log_failure = True
                name = altimeter_hPa
                units = hPa
                name = barometer_hPa
                units = hPa
                name = pressure_hPa
                units = hPa
                name = dayRain_mm
                units = mm
                name = rainRate_mm_per_hour
                units = mm_per_hour
                name = hourRain_mm
                units= mm
                name = rain24_mm
                units= mm
                name = rain_mm
                units= mm
                name = windchill_C
                units= degree_C
                name = windDir
                #units= degree_compass
                units= ordinal_compass
                name = windGustDir
                #units= degree_compass
                units= ordinal_compass
                name = ET_mm
                units= mm
                #units = mm_per_day
                name = windrun_km
                units= km
                name = interval
                #units= seconds

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