I'm phasing my weather station hosting to another domain.  For a time, I 
would like to upload to 2 different (virtual) web hosts to make sure I have 
everything transitioned properly.

it appears this may be supported.  There is an example given for FTP which 
surprised me a little.  It seems to say the name within the [[ ... ]] for 
the section can be anything (I assume unique) and what governs the function 
for the section is the value for "skin =".

As an aside, perhaps my lack of clarity on this is that 
in https://weewx.com/docs/usersguide.htm#config_RSYNC doesn't not mention "
skin" as an option taht I can see.  If my understanding above is correct, 
the skin option is *required*, no?  (Perhaps it is assumed, and was in the 
default weewx.conf.)

Appreciate the help / clarification-

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