> On Aug 27, 2023, at 3:51 PM, Tom Keffer <tkef...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Which version of WeeWX? It's possible your version of WeeWX does not have a 
> rotating logger defined for the Mac.
> Try following the instructions in the wiki article Logging to rotating files 
> <https://github.com/weewx/weewx/wiki/WeeWX-v4-and-logging#logging-to-rotating-files>.

Version 4.10.2, and the link you provided works perfectly. Now running and 
logging to non-root directory.

Yet even with the upgrade to 4.10.2 and to macOS Monterey (12.6.7) I’ve still 
got the stupid certificate error for posting to PWSweather and getting 
Forecasts from the NWS and WU:

2023-08-28 10:13:16  weewx[31551] DEBUG weewx.restx: PWSWeather: Failed upload 
attempt 1: <urlopen error [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify 
failed (_ssl.c:1007)>
2023-08-28 10:13:16  weewx[31551] ERROR user.forecast: WUThread: WU: failed 
attempt 1 to download forecast: <urlopen error [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] 
certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:1007)>
2023-08-28 10:13:16  weewx[31551] DEBUG weewx.restx: StationRegistry: Failed 
upload attempt 1: HTTP Error 429: TOO MANY REQUESTS
2023-08-28 10:13:16  weewx[31551] ERROR user.forecast: NWSThread: NWS: failed 
attempt 1 to download NWS forecast: <urlopen error [SSL: 
CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:1007)>
2023-08-28 10:13:16  weewx[31551] ERROR user.forecast: WUThread: WU: failed 
attempt 2 to download forecast: <urlopen error [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] 
certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:1007)>

It doesn’t tell me the certificate that is out of date however.

So two things:

1 - the document http://weewx.com/docs.html/latest/macos.htm needs to be 
updated to redirect the logging information to the wiki article 

2 - How would I figure out which certificate is out of date and needs update 
for the forecast and PWS updates?


Do the right thing. It will gratify some people and astonish the rest.
        --Mark Twain.
David Barto

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