* On 2023 20 Dec 14:01 -0600, Nick Kavanagh wrote:
> Thanks so much for the opinions and links. Got some good starting points
> now, especially now I'm aware of some good places to look for used
> equipment to be able to assemble something that does not "phone home". I
> had no idea that the newer Davis gear did that.

The latest Davis console, the 6313, does that for updates which is one
thing, but it can only upload to the Davis Weather Link site, as I
understand, which is quite another thing.  One either needs to forward
it from there to other services such as WU or CWOP, which the following
thread discusses, or download it into WeeWX to do your own thing with
your data (does that require a paid subscription?).


That is a long thread about the 6313--the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Quite simply, weather is big business and these manufacturers are
seeking to monetize as much of that as they can.  Designing the
equipment so it can only work with their service is one way of doing so.
Suffice it to say, I'm not on board with that!

- Nate

"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true."
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