I used command line version of Wireshark - Tshark - and collected packets 
for 15 minutes. Then loaded the PCAP file into Wireshark and filtered by 
source IP of weather station  console. Every 2 seconds I see:

0000   b8 27 eb dd 86 34 08 d8 33 53 93 a9 08 00 45 00   .'...4..3S....E.
0010   00 90 1b 12 00 00 80 06 9d 2a c0 a8 00 71 c0 a8   .........*...q..
0020   00 6a c0 08 19 64 e3 81 0c 05 7e 63 ac 14 50 18   .j...d....~c..P.
0030   00 44 fc 9d 00 00 48 50 32 30 30 30 00 00 57 52   .D....HP2000..WR
0040   49 54 45 00 00 00 4e 4f 57 52 45 43 4f 52 44 00   ITE...NOWRECORD.
0050   00 00 00 00 00 00 68 00 00 00 8a 00 00 00 c5 00   ......h.........
0060   2f 3d 33 33 b3 41 33 d3 73 44 00 c0 7d 44 9a 99   /=33.A3.sD..}D..
0070   e9 40 9a 99 99 3e 9a 99 e9 40 00 00 00 00 00 00   .@...>...@......
0080   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ................
0090   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff 00 00         ..............

But I don't know if it makes any sense :)   

środa, 24 stycznia 2024 o 21:06:53 UTC+1 vince napisał(a):

> You need something to send traffic to intercept.  Run wireshark on your 
> weewx computer and listen on port 80 and see if your computer is hearing 
> anything (and what).  If it's http the payload should be decipherable.
> On Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 12:01:31 PM UTC-8 Tomasz Lewicki wrote:
>> By hardware do you mean WiFi console from my weather station? If yes, it 
>> has very simple (almost none) configuration. It sends weather data to WU 
>> only. But I hijacked DNS on my router:
>> pi@meteo:~ $ rtupdate.wunderground.com
>> PING rtupdate.wunderground.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
>> 64 bytes from rtupdate.wunderground.com ( icmp_seq=1 
>> ttl=64 time=0.130 ms
>> 64 bytes from rtupdate.wunderground.com ( icmp_seq=2 
>> ttl=64 time=0.128 ms
>> pi@meteo:~ $ dig rtupdate.wunderground.com
>> ; <<>> DiG 9.11.5-P4-5.1+deb10u9-Raspbian <<>> rtupdate.wunderground.com
>> ;; global options: +cmd
>> ;; Got answer:
>> ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 48940
>> ;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1
>> ; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 1232
>> ;rtupdate.wunderground.com. IN A
>> rtupdate.wunderground.com. 0 IN A
>> ;; Query time: 170 msec
>> ;; SERVER:
>> ;; WHEN: śro sty 24 20:59:32 CET 2024
>> ;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 70
>> I even updated console's firmware to the latest available version from 
>> Ambient Weather website. In server.ini file I see only this:
>> [Menu]
>> default=www.wunderground.com
>> web=1
>> web1=www.wunderground.com
>> [www.wunderground.com]
>> Server=rtupdate.wunderground.com
>> ServerType=php
>> ServerPort=80
>> UploadType=Customize
>> ReadOnly=true
>> środa, 24 stycznia 2024 o 20:48:31 UTC+1 vince napisał(a):
>>> Just a thought, but interceptor is 'listening' on port 80.  Don't you 
>>> need to configure your hardware to 'send' to port 80 on your weewx computer 
>>> ?
>>> On Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 11:39:31 AM UTC-8 Tomasz Lewicki wrote:
>>>> Previously I had strange problems with Python but finally I realized 
>>>> that I have Python2 and Python3 installed. When I called commands begining 
>>>> with 'python', v2 was started. But 'sudo update-alternatives --install 
>>>> /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3 10' has made the trick:
>>>> pi@meteo:~ $ python --version
>>>> Python 3.7.3
>>>> środa, 24 stycznia 2024 o 20:36:46 UTC+1 Tomasz Lewicki napisał(a):
>>>>> Here it comes:
>>>>> # systemd service configuration file for WeeWX
>>>>> [Unit]
>>>>> Description=WeeWX
>>>>> Documentation=https://weewx.com/docs
>>>>> Requires=time-sync.target
>>>>> After=time-sync.target
>>>>> [Service]
>>>>> ExecStart=weewxd /etc/weewx/weewx.conf
>>>>> StandardOutput=null
>>>>> StandardError=journal+console
>>>>> RuntimeDirectory=weewx
>>>>> RuntimeDirectoryMode=775
>>>>> User=root
>>>>> Group=root
>>>>> [Install]
>>>>> WantedBy=multi-user.target
>>>>> środa, 24 stycznia 2024 o 20:33:17 UTC+1 vince napisał(a):
>>>>>> Lets see your systemd service file.....
>>>>>> On Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 9:46:50 AM UTC-8 Tomasz Lewicki 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> OK, I changed user and group to root 
>>>>>>> in /etc/weewx/systemd/weewx.service, weewx now starts with port 80 and 
>>>>>>> interceptor driver. But nevermind which  option I use - observer or 
>>>>>>> wu-client - I always get:
>>>>>>> weewxd[27966]: DEBUG user.interceptor: empty queue
>>>>>>> But I found this wiki article -> 
>>>>>>> https://github.com/weewx/weewx/wiki/gw1000-recipe and started 
>>>>>>> interceptor driver from command line:
>>>>>>> sudo PYTHONPATH=/usr/share/weewx python 
>>>>>>> /etc/weewx/bin/user/interceptor.py --port=80 --debug --device=observer 
>>>>>>> --mode=listen
>>>>>>> Then - exactly  as this part of article says -> 
>>>>>>> https://github.com/weewx/weewx/wiki/gw1000-recipe#verify-that-the-interceptor-can-receive-data
>>>>>>> I pasted to browser such query:
>>>>>>> And I got an answer in terminal:
>>>>>>> raw data: 
>>>>>>> PASSKEY=XXXX&stationtype=GW1000B_V1.5.5&dateutc=2019-12-29+16:27:27&tempinf=67.1&humidityin=39&baromrelin=30.138&baromabsin=30.138&freq=915M&model=GW1000
>>>>>>> raw packet: {'dateTime': 1577636847, 'usUnits': 1}
>>>>>>> mapped packet: {'dateTime': 1577636847, 'usUnits': 1}
>>>>>>> raw data: 
>>>>>>> raw packet: {'dateTime': 1706118216, 'usUnits': 1}
>>>>>>> mapped packet: {'dateTime': 1706118216, 'usUnits': 1}
>>>>>>> So it seems that driver is working when called explicitly from 
>>>>>>> command line. So why I got "empty queue" when started by 'sudo 
>>>>>>> systemctl 
>>>>>>> start weewx'?
>>>>>>> wtorek, 23 stycznia 2024 o 15:46:08 UTC+1 gary....@gmail.com 
>>>>>>> napisał(a):
>>>>>>>> sudo only issues the command as root.
>>>>>>>> What is in the service file for user and group?
>>>>>>>> That is who weewx is running as.
>>>>>>>> On Monday, January 22, 2024 at 11:43:48 AM UTC-5 Tomasz Lewicki 
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I run weewx as root:
>>>>>>>>> sudo systemctl start weewx
>>>>>>>>> If I set higher port (8080), weewx starts but I have empty queue 
>>>>>>>>> for interceptor.
>>>>>>>>> niedziela, 21 stycznia 2024 o 18:49:48 UTC+1 matthew wall 
>>>>>>>>> napisał(a):
>>>>>>>>>> On Sunday, January 21, 2024 at 12:23:34 PM UTC-5 Tomasz Lewicki 
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO weewx.engine: Loading 
>>>>>>>>>> station type Interceptor (user.interceptor)
>>>>>>>>>> Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO user.interceptor: driver 
>>>>>>>>>> version is 0.60
>>>>>>>>>> Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO user.interceptor: device 
>>>>>>>>>> type: observer
>>>>>>>>>> Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO user.interceptor: 
>>>>>>>>>> hardware name: weatherstation via interceptor
>>>>>>>>>> Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO user.interceptor: mode 
>>>>>>>>>> is listen
>>>>>>>>>> Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO user.interceptor: listen 
>>>>>>>>>> on :80
>>>>>>>>>> if you listen on port 80, then the process must run as root (only 
>>>>>>>>>> root can listen on lower ports).
>>>>>>>>>> so either run weewxd as root, or configure interceptor (and the 
>>>>>>>>>> station) to communicate on a higher port.

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