Are you using the aeris maps?  That's where I found my issue.  The maps 
rack up hundreds of requests per hour and max you out real quick.  I turned 
off aeris maps and now I have less than 300 hits per day.

On Sunday, January 28, 2024 at 1:25:38 PM UTC-5 Dan Roman wrote:

> I had this problem back in October but it cleared itself up.  Never 
> determined if it was an Aeris or Blechertown problem.  Didn't need to 
> change my password, delete my account, or anything.  It was just a glitch 
> in the matrix I guess that went on for a couple of days and then fixed 
> itself.
> On Friday, January 26, 2024 at 11:32:57 AM UTC-5 wrote:
>> So, I've solved my problem.  If you're using the aeris free account on 
>> their contributor plan, do not turn on aeris maps in the belchertown 
>> settings.  I don't know what has changed on their end because I have had 
>> the same configuration for many years, but now the map will make thousands 
>> of hits per hour and they will shut you down when you exceed your allowed 
>> 5,000 hits.  I turned off the aeris maps and all looks well so far.
>> On Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 11:08:16 PM UTC-5 
>> wrote:
>>> I've done that.  Should have mentioned in original post.  I've changed 
>>> my password, deleted and created a new app.  My hit count reset at 1900EST 
>>> and within an hour I was at ~600 hits, and that's with forcasting turned 
>>> off in the conf file.  Aeris tech support has not been able to solve this.  
>>> I'm thinking I may need to delete my account with them and re-create a new 
>>> one.  
>>> On Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 7:38:45 PM UTC-5 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Is anyone else having problems with aeris forcasting?  For the past few 
>>>> weeks my access credits have been running out resulting in my webpage not 
>>>> being updated.  I've turned off forcasting in weewx.conf and when I watch 
>>>> my activity on aeris the hits keep coming.  I don't know who is making 
>>>> these requests.  My aeris credits are racking up at an average of a few 
>>>> hundred an hour, even with forcasting turned off.  I've contacted aeris 
>>>> tech support which has not been helpful.

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