Kalju <kalju.ruu...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi all,

Facing same issue with ERROR weeutil.rsyncupload: **** Host key verification
failed error. 
However, it's really strange...
I can ssh to remote site as both root as well as pi user
I can do manual rsync with no problems but weewx builtin rsync returns above
At the moment my weewx installation is syncing using cron with no problems but
I want to understand why builtin rsync fails
Problem started after upgrade from weewx 5.0.0 to 5.0.1

Any ideas?

Adding the debug info should output the actual rsync command initiated by
weewx to the logs. That's what I assume when looking at line 104 in
`src/weeutil/rsyncupload.py` from the sources of 5.0.1.

Maybe that gives a clue in which the actual rsync commands differ and
why it might fail within Weewx.

Somewhere around 5.0.1 or 5.1.x the user got switched to weewx (not root
anymore) so maybe there is a problem? (I can't remember when the switch
was (it was mentioned on the list somwhere) and haven't found it in the
docs yet)

I'd always suggest looking as what weewx is running so you may not have
to play the guessing game on which user to look at.

sudo ps ux | grep weewxd

should return the user that actually runs the (python) daemon like on my
old Raspberry this runs still as root with 4.10.2.

root         690  2.8  1.5 647360 60428 ?        Sl   Feb06  75:38 python3 
/usr/share/weewx/weewxd --daemon --pidfile=/var/run/weewx.pid 

As it was a package-installation I never messed with it, though I
welcome the change to a non-root package installation per default :)

In case host keys have changed on the server a deletion of the known_hosts
file within ~/.ssh could also help, probably.


Thank you forward :-)
On Friday, July 21, 2023 at 1:14:24 PM UTC+3 Tomasz Lewicki wrote:

   Thank you for replies.

   @Warren Gill: yes, I was thinking about crontab but wanted to use built-in
   solution. Of course crontab is good as backup solution.

   @vince: you're right, I didn't think about it from this side. Just for
   record for future seekers:

   1. I logged as root ('sudo -i' from 'pi' account)
   2. generated SSH keys ('ssh-keygen')
   3. copied them to external server ('ssh-copy-id ace...@external.domain.com
   -p 222')
   4. copied /home/pi/.ssh/config to /root/.ssh/config
   5. changed owner of 'config' ('chown root:root /root/.ssh/config')
   6. waited for next synchronization
   7. smiled because everything worked as expected :)

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- Aristotle

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