Mistakes happen. I bet if we asked nicely, the WeeWX team would say they 
should have implemented the change to running as weewx at 5.0.0. Its a 
small team doing this in their spare time for free. I’ve paid for worse 
software and support.
Mini rant over. Huge thanks to TK, Mathew, Gary, and everyone else who has 

On Wednesday 21 February 2024 at 18:50:52 UTC-5 Peter Fletcher wrote:

> I understand what you are saying. However, all the discussion that I read 
> was about the change from V4.x to V5.x. I was very careful when I did that 
> update, created a total system backup first, and was fully prepared to sort 
> out issues. I have, in any event, been using systemd for many things, 
> including weewx, for a very long time. There were essentially no issues 
> with the 4.x->5.x update. What I wasn't prepared for was an update *from 
> 5.01 to 5.02* clobbering everything *that was previously working in 5.01*. 
> I don't think that it is reasonable to expect the user to carefully 
> (re-)read all the documentation before doing/allowing a 'second decimal 
> place' update.
> I have used the wee_xyz utilities so rarely, that I would need to look up 
> how to do anything with them, anyway. I would expect to do the same with 
> weectl.
> My existing installation includes a number of custom skins and custom 
> services. There would be *much* more than copying over the db involved in 
> the ''clean install' approach, though I did think of doing that after 
> everything fell apart.
> On Wednesday, February 21, 2024 at 5:52:14 PM UTC-5 vince wrote:
>> FWIW - you 'could' have remained on your old version basically forever if 
>> you were so inclined.....
>> But to reply....
>> On Wednesday, February 21, 2024 at 2:18:49 PM UTC-8 Peter Fletcher wrote:
>> That was one of the *many* permissions-related problems caused by the 
>> update! Changing the registered user of a complex program that reads and 
>> writes many files in many places, without making sure that the user knows 
>> the consequences 
>> Disagree.  Documented many many times and places from changelog to the 
>> upgrade guide to FAQ and dozens of threads here over almost a year of 
>> alpha/beta/release-candidate changes and improvements that resulted from 
>> that testing.   The docs were totally redone and enhanced and are now very 
>> easily searchable.  Same for the wiki.  Same for the FAQ. 
>> The switch to running unprivileged is also implementing a decade+ design 
>> goal to move away from running as root to the longstanding industry best 
>> practice of running as a non-privileged user.  That in itself makes it 
>> worth the pain to remove that legacy risk.
>> And what does the user need to learn new ?  Two things.  Use of systemd 
>> for startup (the os's essentially force this) and the replacement of 
>> wee_xyz utilities with an integrated weectl utility (very very well 
>> documented for almost a year now).
>> And where does the user have to possibly salt to taste ?  Two places.   
>> Access to serial/usb ports and privs to write to their webserver document 
>> root.  Just like every other unprivileged app that does either.
>> ... the new registered user didn't have access to the serial port. 
>> Hmmm - the user has to properly configure their os to let the 
>> non-privileged user access the peripherals.  This is surprisingly difficult 
>> given almost infinite variability of the possible os configurations and the 
>> variety of devices that connect to those systems.  But the logs clearly say 
>> permission denied when this happens and the how to fix it is very very well 
>> documented for many months.
>> Run debug=1.  See permission denied.  Search the forums/docs/wiki/faq for 
>> folks who have been there before and what they did.
>> The crt problem was as you said and was the second one to surface after 
>> the first had been fixed. Subsequent to fixing that, I had to correct the 
>> access rights to the folders corresponding to a number of 'sites' that my 
>> copy of weewx creates.
>> Yes - the onus is on the user to integrate their weather station software 
>> with their user-configured webserver.  That has always been their job.
>> FWIW:
>>    - a clean new installation of v5 works right out of the box on 
>>    debian(ish) os and a raspi (which is debian-based) with no edits required
>>    - if you are on a pi specifically, the default 'pi' user gets access 
>>    to serial/usb from the default os for free so no work is required there
>>    - running the packaged variant frequently requires 'one time' work to 
>>    salt to taste, so to speak.  Weewx is no different than any other app in 
>>    this respect.
>>  Again - this is a major upgrade that is 'optional' although recommended. 
>>  In itself making the switch to running unprivileged is reason enough to 
>> work a little 'once'.
>> Or save your db, do a clean installation of v5, copy your db into place, 
>> and start it up.  It will almost certainly work.

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