I realize not many are using the RSS feed, yet I am to just get a quick 
check of things while sorting through my news feeds... regaurdless the 
reason I need help if possible...

I'm not an expert by any means, but can fumble my way through the coding 
most times.

#1 I edited the template to only provide the current conditions. That works.
#2 I was trying to format the returned data:

Wind: 0 mph from N/A; Rain: 0.00 

trying to remove the ";" and put Rain: 0.00 on the next line.. (have not 
figured that out)

#3 I have noticed that my rain total is 0.00 when it should show 0.80 for 
toal rain.
Note: the rain total and text formating were not working before I edited 
the template.

any help would be apreciated... Hopefully I'm just overlooking something 


my current rss.xml.tmpl:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rss version="2.0"
  xmlns:geo="http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#"; >

#set $timespans = [{"span": $day, "label": $gettext("Daily summary as 
of")}, {"span": $month, "label": $gettext("Monthly summary as of")}, 
{"span": $year, "label": $gettext("Yearly summary as of")}]

#set $observations = $to_list($DisplayOptions.get('observations_rss', 
['outTemp', 'inTemp', 'barometer', 'windSpeed', 'rain', 'rainRate']))
#set $obs_type_sum = $to_list($DisplayOptions.get('obs_type_sum', ['rain']))
#set $obs_type_max = $to_list($DisplayOptions.get('obs_type_max', 

    <title>$gettext("Weather Conditions") : $station.location</title>
    <description>$gettext("Current conditions, and daily, monthly, and 
yearly summaries")</description>
    <pubDate>$current.dateTime.format("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z")</pubDate>

    <lastBuildDate>$current.dateTime.format("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S 
    <generator>weewx $station.version</generator>

      <title>$gettext("Weather Conditions at") $current.dateTime</title>
#for $x in $observations
  #if $getattr($current, $x).has_data
    #if $x == 'windSpeed'
        $obs.label.wind: $current.windSpeed $gettext("from") 
        $obs.label[$x]: $getattr($current, $x);
    #end if
  #end if
#end for
      <pubDate>$current.dateTime.format("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S 
      $obs.label.dateTime: $current.dateTime<br/>
#for $x in $observations
  #if $getattr($current, $x).has_data
    #if $x == 'windSpeed'
        $obs.label.wind: $current.windSpeed $gettext("from") 
        $obs.label[$x]: $getattr($current, $x)<br/>
    #end if
  #end if
#end for


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