Hi Julien!

The usual way is the following:

Use SIP over TLS to encrypt the SIP session from the SIP UA to its service provider and authenticate the SIP proxy to the SIP UA (you could also use mutual TLS to authenticate the SIP UA to the SIP proxy, but usually this is not done as SIP UAs have dynamic IP addresses and dynamic hostnames, thus certificates are difficult to use. To authenticate the SIP UA against the proxy digest authentication is fine).

Use SIP over TLS to encrypt SIP signaling between service providers and authenticate the proxies (mutual TLS).

To authenticate the peers end-to-end, you can use the SIP-Identity, e.g. draft-ietf-sip-identity.

For securing the media, usually you will use SRTP.


Julien VEHENT wrote:
Vadim Lebedev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :

Julien VEHENT wrote:

Hi there,

We are two french students in Computer Security and we plan a project for our
end-term studies.

The general idea is to provide authentication in VoIP communication using X.509 certificates (already used in SSL & TLS protocols). To do that, we want to
modify SIP server and client source code and integrate a first level
authentication (for example, using a challenge and one certificate for each
peer) before or during SIP commands.

The objective is, in a first time, to avoid register hijacking.

Next, we plan to use certificates to authenticate peers before the NTP
communications. Two functionalities would be added :
-the peer's name who establishes the call will appear in the receiver client
-a strong authentication of peers

So, we can explain it with a little graphical mockup like this one :

I)SIP registration authentication

|                SIP registrar             |
/         |            / (3)         |
.|SIP      |request     ||auth the     |user
.|register |x.509       ||two peers    |successfully
.|request  |auth        ||using        |registered
.|(1)      |(2)         ||challenge    |(4)
.|         /           /             /
|                   Bob                    |

II)SIP peers authentication

+----+                                     +----+
|    |------1. Pre-Invite with Bob cert--->|  A |
| B  |<------2. OK, send Alice cert -------|  L |
| O  |<======3. authenticate peers========>|  I |
| B  |<------4. Alice accept the call------|  C |
|    |-------5. Bob ack, NTP call start--->|  E |
+----+                                     +----+

For the moment, we are just brain storming but an idea we like is the
development of a patch for OpenWengo project.

That's why we are requesting your opinions.

Best regards,

Hi Julien,

Are you aware that SIP standard allows transport of SIP packets inside SSL? And actually openwengo does support this mode of operation in almost standard way?


Yes, I am.
But what about performance ? I've read many times that SSL use in RTP
communication bring many problems due to UDP requirement of the RTP protocol
and TCP requirement of SSL protocol.

Moreover, SSL use doesn't avoid register hijacking because users never force his
use. It's like TLS over SMTP in fact...

That's why we are just speaking about authentification.



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