Andreas Schneider wrote:

I've talked on IRC with mnencia. He is the maintainer of the debian
package. He helps fixing cmake bugs. We discussed some things which
should be done in the near future.

Restructuring of the source tree

The structure of the current directory tree is a mess. We have a lot of
workarounds in the cmake files to get it building.
With a cleaner structure which mirrors the deps too, a lot of things
would be easier.

phapi project

phapi should have it's own tree with the needed headers. So that we can
build a phapi package and install it as a system library.

3rd party source

owcurl or other similar crap shouldn't be in the source. For every used
library there should be a developer responsible to get changes upstream.

3rd party libraries

There should be a "Wengophone developer bundle" with the precompiled
binaries you need on windows to build wengophone. It would be easier in
cmake to reference to that bundle.

        -- andreas


Very valid points,

I'd like to jump on the occasion and suggest that we think on the issue of the overall project management.

I think we lack  official 'subsystem maintainers'.
In order to introduce them  we need a 'subsytem list'
Once we construct this list we'll need to adapt directory tree structure to confrom to the list

And We need to have much more discussion on project evolution with respect of the feature set. Of course anyway, Wengo as main underwriter of the project get the last word on the feauture list but i believe that the discussions of the issues could have very positive effect for Wengo too. The almost complete lack of discussion IMO has very negative consequences for spread of wengophone. For example: Untying wengophone from Wengo servers IMO will seriously boost the number of people who use it. The Wengo management does not see this a priority, but myself i believe that early implementation of this feature would cause more people testing the software in various setups which would accelarate the bug fixing. Or the decission to suppress 'Call Transfer' it was not discussed with the community.... I understand that there are problems related to the cost of this service, but i'm sure the discussion of the issue could raise couple of creative ideas, like for example to keep the service only between 2 Wengo numbers.... I'm personally aware of a number of VOIP providers who ask for this feature. VOIP providers means more funding for the project.


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