On Tue, 2006-12-19 at 12:59 +0100, Jerome WAGNER wrote:
> One of the lurking ideas would be to code a separate sound API which both
> phapi and the core NG would use.
> This could help a lot in the sharing of all audio resources between the 2
> worlds.
> No work has started on this yet, but I know mstute and pbernery have already
> given it some thoughts.
> The same problem arises when you try to RING on an audio device using ALSA
> on Linux. Phapi has already taken control of the device so the core NG
> cannot play a ringing tone.
> Do you know of a clean pattern (an example of code in another project) where
> "sharing a mutex" is done in a clean way ?
> The idea of pbernery and mstute was to force both libraries (phapi and the
> NG model) to use a third library where the locks could be enforced in a
> clean way.

Yes, I agree.
By "sharing a mutex" I meant a wrapper around portaudio, that would make
it thread safe. Both AudioDeviceManager and phapi should use this
wrapper (and so the same mutex).

Would this wrapper be like your "third library", or were you thinking
about something more complex?
Maybe some wrapper around all usable audio libraries (eg for Mac)?


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