Hi all,

The OpenWengo summit is only 10 days away, and pretty much everything
has fallen into place.


The hotel for conference goes staying in a hotel will be the Hotel Royal
Bergère, 8 rue Geoffroy-Marie, 75009 Paris. I've put directions on the
wiki page.

I have changed around the schedule a bit, to start the day with
presentations from attendees, followed by break-out sessions based on
that feedback. We will start the afternoon with a SWOT session
(analysing the strengths/weaknesses/opportunities/threads) of the
OpenWengo project, before doing a little tourism and getting to know
each other a bit better.

On Friday morning, Jérôme will present the roadmap of functionality that
he would like to see in the future versions of OpenWengo, and present
our progress towards the 2.1 version. After this, we will have another
group discussion about the roadmap, and features to be added or changed.

Finally, we will end the day with a second round of smaller targetted
sessions on a specific aspect of OpenWengo - maybe 64 bit support, maybe
video, maybe sound on Linux - the priorities will be defined by the

I will be sending out a template for presentations from attendees during
the week - due to time constraints, presentations will be kept to 10
minutes, and if you would like to give one and I have not yet been in
contact with you, please contact me directly.

Thanks everyone! And see you all next week.


Dave Neary
OpenWengo Community Development Manager
Wengophone-devel mailing list

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