Hi all,

I have been rubbing noses with some compilation problems with external
libs, and thought that others might benefit from my experiences:

1. External FFMPEG: on Dapper, the system ffmpeg is compiled with
support for vorbis and theora - but the correct -ls aren't brought in by
CMakeFiles-external in the ffmpeg directory (not sure where the best
place to solve this is - should it be in FindFfmpeg?)

2. External PortAudio: If you're using build_make.sh, you get
PORTAUDIO_INTERNAL set to OFF by default regardless of what you put in
DefineWengoOptions or on the command line - so make sure your external
PortAudio is a V19, or the compilation will fail in owsound. The
solution I've found is to run cmake directly, or to change
CMakeCache.txt to use the internal PortAudio after the failure and
re-run make

3. External speex: There's a problem with pkgconfig returning \n as
CFLAGS for speex, thus inserting a newline into the flags.make file for

There may be others, but the work-around is (for these 3 libraries) to
compile with the internal copy for the moment.

Anyone able to advise me on what the correct fix is for each of these


Dave Neary
OpenWengo Community Development Manager

Wengophone-devel mailing list

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