Dear Wengophone developers,

        First of all congratulations on the new Wengophone 2.1 (RC1) - I see 
improvents in this version.  
        I am a wengophone user since 2.0 came out, for me it's the best SIP / 
client program, with unmatched features and universality - Open Source, 
multiplatform, multiprotocol IM, standard SIP, and so on.
        However, in my opinion, there are a few shortcomes that impair its 
functionality, and thus - popularity, I'll try to list them shortly here:
        1. Total dependency on the wengo account - if for some reason I cannot 
connect to the wengo server (server is down, lost password or anything like 
that), I can't use any of my IM accounts. In this case the only solution is 
to use another IM client program. Or if I log off from Wengo then all IM 
accounts are also logged off. I think the program should be more 
account-agnostic. Not completely - maybe initial registration at Wengo, but 
without the above-mentioned limitations.
        2. The displaying of ICQ users in the chat window - when chatting with 
an ICQ 
user you see onli his/her ICQ number in the tab, which tells you nothing about 
who he/she is. You have to go to the main contact list an find his.her name 
by the number. In my opinion the problem is that the program does not put the 
name of the ICQ contact as his name - although you see his name in brackets, 
when you edit the contact. A sub-note to this issue - in the contact list 
some ICQ contacts appear without a name in brackets - just the number.
        3. I greatly miss the autosave history feature available in all IM 
clients - 
the ability to save the chat history automatically. Now I have to do it 
manually for each chat I have.

        Further I am sending description of some bugs I noticed in v 2.1 RC1 
(binary). I deleted the .wengophone directory to avoid possible 
incompatibility of config.files, and created all accounts again:
        1. After the first restart of Wengophone I was unable to see the online 
status of my Wengo contacts - they all had a rectangle business-card-like 
icon (like voicemail), although some of them were online - some were offline. 
If I delete the contact and add it again it appears with the correct status, 
but if I restart the program, it then appears with a "?" status icon, not the 
correct staus icon.
        2. After the first restart of Wengophone my Yahoo contacts were 
then on the third start were tripled. After I deleted the duplications, the 
problem did not appear again.
        3. Sometimes my MSN contacts (some) appear with a "?" status icon.
        4. The green staus circle does not refresh properly - 3/4 of it is 
green, 1/4 
is grey.

My PC info: P4 HT, 2GB RAM, Video card Matrox G550, OS Gentoo Linux,  GCC 
4.1.2, Xorg 7.2. 

Best regards,

Wengophone-devel mailing list

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