Dave Neary skrev:

> I'd like to understand a little better the dynamics (and the permission
> system) of Launchpad. The idea of benefitting from a large pool of
> translators is great, but I think that translations need consistency,
> and often benefit from a team leader or small group who approve the
> transations of others. Right now our translations are open to all.

The problem with Rosetta is that it attracts a lot of people.. with good
or minor translation skills. Quality control is not built into Rosetta
so that is a offline manual process, which rarely works outside a
translation team.

> Can Pootle generate .ts files directly, or does it also generate .ts files?

Yes, Pootle can handle ts, po, and xliff native.

Try it over at http://pootle.wordforge.org

Daniel Nylander (CISSP, GCUX, GCFA)
Stockholm, Sweden

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