Hi Linux guys, Since revision 10817 WengoPhone and PhApi can be compiled without portaudio support :-) In this case a native ALSA support is used. You have to change the option OWSOUND_PORTAUDIO_SUPPORT to activate it. (set it to OFF)
To achieve this work I had to debug and improve the ALSA backend of PhApi (phmedia-alsa.c) and I had to write a new implementation for owsound (libs/sound/src/linux). For now this implementation has the responsability to enumerate ALSA devices and plugins, to handle ALSA mixer and to play sound files with libsndfile. This implementation will soon handle OSS too, that's why I have named it "linux". Unfortunately there are some bad news... PhApi does not handle devices that are opened in stereo mode and from what I saw most of devices cannot be opened in mono mode. That's why the only device listed is the default one: you will see "ALSA: default" in the audio configuration panel of the WengoPhone. Another bug: when you resume a call that has been held there's no sound. I will work the next days to get rid on these bugs. In order to integrate this in (one of) the next release(s) of WengoPhone I would be very happy if some of you could test this new stuff. Please feel free to feed our trac on this subject: the appropriate milestone for the tickets is the "WengoPhone 2.1". And finally, for those who do not compile the WengoPhone, I have added a new Linux builder on our buildbot with portaudio support disabled. The related binaries are located in http://wengofiles.wengo.fr/nightlybuilds/binary/NG/GNULinux/2.1 and are named WengoPhone-2.1-minsizerel-alsa-xxxxxx.tar.bz2 note: tested with libasound2 1.0.11 and 1.0.13 on Debian (etch and lenny) and ubuntu edgy. note2: overide your current audio devices settings in the configuration panel with "ALSA: default". Cheers, -- Mathieu Stute <mathieu.stute(at)wengo.com> GPG: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=0x3EE62B4D _______________________________________________ Wengophone-devel mailing list Wengophone-devel@lists.openwengo.com http://dev.openwengo.com/mailman/listinfo/wengophone-devel