Ludovico Cavedon wrote:
> Hi,
> Alejandro Cabrera Obed wrote:
>> - When I start a SIP call using Wengophone from Windows XP to Debian I 
>> succeded !!!
>> - When I start a SIP call using Wengophone from Debian to Windows XP I get 
>> this error:
>> WARNING[2709]: chan_sip.c:3602 process_sdp: Unknown SDP media type in offer: 
>> video 10702 RTP/AVP 34 31
>> ....and anymore
> Are you using version 2.1.1.dfsg0-3 or greater, right?
> The Debian package has video support disabled, because video codec
> support has been removed from Debian's ffmpeg because of patent issues :(
> However the problem you are describing should not happen. I'll debug it
> It would be great if you could open a bug against the Debian package.
> Thank you!
> Regards,
> Ludovico Cavedon
Dear Ludovico, I've rebooteed all my servers and workstations and now I
can talk using SIP/Asterisk between my Linux/Debian and Windows XP
Wengophone clients.

But I still have a problem: in wengophone I set up Jabber accounts
(against my own jabberd2 server), add jabber intranet contacts, but we
always see the contacts OFFLINE being that they are logged in my
jabberd2 succesfully. And so I can't chat to any jabber contact anytime.

I have these Wengo versions:

Windows XP ---- Wengophone 2.1.2 rev 12359
Linux/Debian Etch ---- Wengophone  2.1.1.dfsg0-4

Is there any trouble to use Jabber accounts with a private jabberd2
server from Wengophone ??? Any tip ???

Really thanks

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