El Wednesday 12 September 2007 10:19:02 Klaus Darilion escribió:
> Hi!
> Is is called a pre-defined route set. Although in this case the Route
> header is not necessary it is still valid.
> In your case, adding "alias=mydomain.com" to openser.cfg should solve
> your problems. (Because loose_route() will detect that the Route is
> itself, will remove the route header and then return "false")

The problem is that it forces me to write in conf file all the domains, and to 
restart OpenSer after adding a new domain.
I've "domain" module so I store domains in a table without the need of 
restarting OpenSer.

Maybe I could only apply "loose_route" if the message is not a REGISTER, but 
it seems to modify my OpenSer conf just because the behaviour of a client 

Thanks for your help.

Iñaki Baz Castillo
Wengophone-devel mailing list

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