sorry for not replying earlier

On Nov 14, 2007 7:23 AM, Oscar Schnitzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm writing a linux bluetooth (BlueZ) application in C++, and as such I'm 
> using the C++ DBus bindings developed by the OpenWengo project (as 
> recommended here: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/DBusBindings).  I 
> like these bindings very much, they suit my style of writing C++.
> However, the main problem that I've got is one of documentation, and I'm not 
> sure where to look further.  There is doxygen documentation which is 
> generated as part of the build process, but that doesn't really add anything. 
> And there are included examples, but these don't seem to cover all of what 
> I'm trying to do.
> I'm not sure if this mailing list is the right place to ask my questions, but 
> as far as I can see there's very few people combining BlueZ and C++ and DBus. 
>  Feel free to refer to me to a more appropriate place if there is one.
> Anyway, my question is this.  I'm working on a BlueZ application, and almost 
> all of the BlueZ DBus documentation uses Python for examples, and I have 
> managed to rewrite such code in C++, but there's one class of such code that 
> I'm stuck on.  An example can be found at 
> http://wiki.bluez.org/wiki/HOWTO/SerialConnections
> In particular I'm stuck on how to map this line from Python into C++ with the 
> OpenWengo DBus bindings:
>   serial = dbus.Interface(bus.get_object(bus_id, '/org/bluez/serial'), 
> 'org.bluez.serial.Manager')
> As far as I can tell there is no C++/DBus equivalent to this get_object() 
> method.
> Any advice?

the equivalent would be to subclass DBus::ObjectProxy, which, as the
name implies, translates your method invocations into D-Bus messages
(and viceversa, from D-Bus signals into the appropriate callback)
such a client-side proxy has of course to implement an interface (or,
in Python terms, a dbus.Interface), this can be done either manually
(subclassing DBus::InterfaceProxy directly like the HAL example) or
automatically, using dbusxx2cpp (in the tools/ folder) on a XML
description of the D-Bus interface (like in the ECHO example),
unfortunately BlueZ doesn't seem to provide such an XML file, which
means you have to write one yourself, like this

(look at the official D-Bus documentation about the format of this file)

you could start from the BlueZ D-Bus API documentation at

if you have any other questions, please ask away
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