Alec leamas a écrit :
Ah, we got a discussion :-)

Yes :-)

Summarizing advantages: Aurelien sees the config file and the more fine grained phapi logging, Andreas the console logging and I an established design pattern.

I don't understand what you mean with "console logging" being an advantage. I guess you are referring to this part of your previous message:

Before recent changes, we had debug output at the console, which just isn't acceptable. But now we have no logging at all, which is also bad.

Before recent changes, everything was outputted to the console: debug,info,warn,error,fatal. Now debug is off by default (but can be enabled on a component basis). To me this is different from "we have no logging at all". Or am I missing something?

Applying the way of work described in the article in this case might be.

- To make 2 (possibly 3) minor patches to current log system which will run using the same logging code. These are about
   printf formatting (refactoring)

What do you want to change to printf formatting?

>    and creating
a facade for the configuration stuff (LogConfig).
 - After this there would be a major patch with
   the new backend, but not hooked in
- The final patch should just be applied to Logger.h and LogConfig.h, with a clear option (#define) to use either logging system during a transition period. That is, we have current system in place, and it could be used with a #define (not runtime switch, it's really to much work).
  -At some point in the future, we remove a number
   of #define and uses just one system...

The "new backend", is the one using LogConfig I guess. Do we really need a new backend for this? Can't we extend the current code to use LogConfig?

A natural way to work would be that I first commit the minor patches, and then prepares the major patch and attaches it to the #1856 for review. At this point there will also be a sketch for the third patch.

I believe you would get more feedback if you post your patches to the mailing list: not everybody is subscribed to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> The thing with working incremental is that I really need to
> check in, it's hard to administrate otherwise.

Beware! writing such things on a developer mailing list is like invoking a Git/Darcs/Monotone/Mercurial/Bazaar zealot :-)

You might want to have a look at Quilt, a patch system built by Andrew Morton. I used it for a while in the past to maintain a set of patches against some large Subversion projects like kdepim.

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