Hi Darsha,

this is my new error now once I run configure.exe

        cl -c -Foqscriptvalueiterator.obj  -W3 -nologo -O2  -I.
-Igenerators -Igenerators\unix -Igenerators\win32 -Igenerators\mac
ch\generic  -IC:\Qt\4.3.3\include -IC:\Qt\4.3.3\include\QtCore
-IC:\Qt\4.3.3\include -IC:\Qt\4.3.3\include\QtCore
-IC:\Qt\4.3.3\src\corelib\global  -IC:\Qt\4.
3.3\include\QtScript  -IC:\Qt\4.3.3\mkspecs\win32-msvc2005
/Zc:wchar_t- -DQMAKE_OPENS
OURCE_EDITION C:\Qt\4.3.3\src\script\qscriptvalueiterator.cpp
        link  -DEBUG -OUT:qmake.exe project.obj main.obj makefile.obj
unixmake.obj unixmake2.obj mingw_make.obj  option.obj winmakefile.obj
 property.obj meta.obj  makefiledeps.obj metamakefile.obj
xmloutput.obj pbuilder_pbx.obj  borland_bmake.obj msvc_nmake.obj
msvc_dsp.obj msvc_vcproj.obj  msvc_ob
jectmodel.obj qbitarray.obj  qbuffer.obj  qcryptographichash.obj
qfsfileengine.obj  qfsfileengine_iterator.obj  qbytearray.obj
qvsnprintf.obj  qbytearraymatch
er.obj  qdatetime.obj  qdir.obj  qdiriterator.obj  qfile.obj
qtemporaryfile.obj  qabstractfileengine.obj  qfsfileengine_win.obj
  qfileinfo.obj  qglobal.obj  qhash.obj  qiodevice.obj  qlistdata.obj
qlinkedlist.obj  qlocale.obj  qmap.obj  qregexp.obj  qstring.obj
qstringlist.obj  qtexts
tream.obj  qdatastream.obj  quuid.obj  qvector.obj  qsettings.obj
qlibraryinfo.obj  qvariant.obj  qurl.obj  qsettings_win.obj
qmetatype.obj  qnumeric.obj  qsc
riptasm.obj  qscriptast.obj  qscriptastvisitor.obj
qscriptcompiler.obj  qscriptecmaarray.obj  qscriptecmaboolean.obj
qscriptecmacore.obj  qscriptecmadate.obj
 qscriptecmafunction.obj  qscriptecmaglobal.obj  qscriptecmamath.obj
qscriptecmanumber.obj  qscriptecmaobject.obj  qscriptecmaregexp.obj
  qscriptecmaerror.obj  qscriptcontext_p.obj  qscriptengine.obj
qscriptengine_p.obj  qscriptextenumeration.obj  qscriptextvariant.obj
qscriptcontext.obj  qscr
iptfunction.obj  qscriptgrammar.obj  qscriptlexer.obj
qscriptclassdata.obj  qscriptparser.obj  qscriptprettypretty.obj
qscriptsyntaxchecker.obj  qscriptvalue.
obj  qscriptvalueimpl.obj  qscriptvalueiterator.obj ole32.lib advapi32.lib
Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 8.00.50727.42
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'ole32.lib'
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio
8\VC\BIN\link.EXE"' : return code '0x450'
Building qmake failed, return code 2


On Jan 25, 2008 11:01 AM, Chris Botor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Darsha,
>  Ok. Looks good. Just curious, what did you do to change the paths from
>  your last output?
>   - I just go to the qt directory and run it
> Strange. Did you install the Platform SDK? "windows.h" is not included
> with Visual Studio 2005.
>  - Yup I did install, will add that to tje path to the .bat
> And: which version of Qt did you install?
> - 4.3.3
> Am I still missing out? Do I need to install the DirectX SDK?
> Thanks,
> Chris
> On Jan 26, 2008 2:13 AM, Darshaka Pathirana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Chris!
> >
> > On 25.01.2008 18:17, Chris Botor wrote:
> > > I run again the configure.exe here is my latest output.
> > >
> >
> > > C:\Qt\4.3.3>configure.exe
> > >
> > > This is the Qt/Windows Open Source Edition.
> > >
> > > You are licensed to use this software under the terms of
> > > the GNU General Public License.
> > >
> > > Type '?' to view the GNU General Public License.
> > > Type 'y' to accept this license offer.
> > > Type 'n' to decline this license offer.
> > >
> > > Do you accept the terms of the license?
> > > y
> > > Environment:
> > >     INCLUDE=
> > >       C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\INCLUDE
> > >
> > >     LIB=
> > >       C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\LIB
> > >       C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\SDK\v2.0\lib
> > >
> > >     PATH=
> > >       C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE
> > >       C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\BIN
> > >       C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\Tools
> > >       C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\SDK\v2.0\bin
> > >       C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727
> > >       C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\VCPackages
> > >       C:\Program Files\CMake 2.4\bin
> > >       C:\WINDOWS\system32
> > >       C:\WINDOWS
> > >       C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem
> > >       C:\Program Files\Alky for Applications\Libraries\
> > >       C:\MinGW\bin
> > >       C:\MinGW\libexec\gcc\mingw\3.4.2
> > >       C:\QT\4.3.3\bin
> > >       C:\Program Files\CollabNet Subversion
> > >       C:\Python24
> > >       C:\Program Files\boost\boost_1_34_1\bin
> > > You are licensed to use this software under the terms of the GNU GPL.
> > > See C:/Qt/4.3.3/LICENSE.GPL
> > >
> > > Configuration:
> > >     minimal-config
> > >     small-config
> > >     medium-config
> > >     large-config
> > >     full-config
> > >     build_all
> > >     debug
> > > Qt Configuration:
> > >     release
> > >     debug
> > >     zlib
> > >     png
> > >     accessibility
> > >     qt3support
> > >     opengl
> > >     ipv6
> > >     minimal-config
> > >     small-config
> > >     medium-config
> > >     large-config
> > >     full-config
> > >
> > > QMAKESPEC...................win32-msvc2005 (detected)
> > > Architecture................windows
> > > Maketool....................nmake
> > > Debug symbols...............yes
> > > Accessibility support.......yes
> > > STL support.................yes
> > > Exception support...........yes
> > > RTTI support................yes
> > > MMX support.................yes
> > > 3DNOW support...............yes
> > > SSE support.................yes
> > > SSE2 support................yes
> > > OpenGL support..............yes
> > > Direct3D support............no
> > > OpenSSL support.............no
> > > QDBus support...............no
> > > Qt3 compatibility...........yes
> > >
> > > Third Party Libraries:
> > >     ZLIB support............qt
> > >     GIF support.............plugin
> > >     TIFF support............plugin
> > >     JPEG support............plugin
> > >     PNG support.............qt
> > >     MNG support.............plugin
> > >
> > > Styles:
> > >     Windows.................yes
> > >     Windows XP..............no
> > >     Windows Vista...........no
> > >     Plastique...............yes
> > >     Cleanlooks..............yes
> > >     Motif...................yes
> > >     CDE.....................yes
> > >
> > > Sql Drivers:
> > >     ODBC....................no
> > >     MySQL...................no
> > >     OCI.....................no
> > >     PostgreSQL..............no
> > >     TDS.....................no
> > >     DB2.....................no
> > >     SQLite..................plugin (qt)
> > >     SQLite2.................no
> > >     InterBase...............no
> > >
> > > Sources are in..............C:\Qt\4.3.3
> > > Build is done in............C:\Qt\4.3.3
> > > Install prefix..............C:\Qt\4.3.3
> > > Headers installed to........C:\Qt\4.3.3\include
> > > Libraries installed to......C:\Qt\4.3.3\lib
> > > Plugins installed to........C:\Qt\4.3.3\plugins
> > > Binaries installed to.......C:\Qt\4.3.3\bin
> > > Docs installed to...........C:\Qt\4.3.3\doc
> > > Data installed to...........C:\Qt\4.3.3
> > > Translations installed to...C:\Qt\4.3.3\translations
> > > Examples installed to.......C:\Qt\4.3.3\examples
> > > Demos installed to..........C:\Qt\4.3.3\demos
> >
> > Ok. Looks good. Just curious, what did you do to change the paths from
> > your last output?
> >
> > > Creating qmake...
> > >
> > > Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 8.00.50727.42
> > > Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
> > >
> > >         cl -c -Foproject.obj  -W3 -nologo -O2  -I. -Igenerators
> > > -Igenerators\unix -Igenerators\win32 -Igenerators\mac
> > > -IC:\Qt\4.3.3\src\co
> > > IC:\Qt\4.3.3\include -IC:\Qt\4.3.3\include\QtCore
> > > -IC:\Qt\4.3.3\include -IC:\Qt\4.3.3\include\QtCore
> > > -IC:\Qt\4.3.3\src\corelib\global  -I
> > > tScript  -IC:\Qt\4.3.3\mkspecs\win32-msvc2005   -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC
> > > -DQT_NO
> > > -DQMA
> > >  project.cpp
> > > project.cpp
> > > project.cpp(55) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file:
> > > 'Windows.h': No such file or directory
> > > NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio
> > > 8\VC\BIN\cl.EXE"' : return code '0x2'
> > > Stop.
> >
> > Strange. Did you install the Platform SDK? "windows.h" is not included
> > with Visual Studio 2005.
> >
> > And: which version of Qt did you install?
> >
> > If everything is ok, I would change the vsvars32.bat file and add the
> > path to windows.h to the INCLUDE variable.
> >
> > HTH && HAND
> >   - Darsha
> >
> > P.s. would you reply to the list please, so other people could also
> > benefit from our conversation? Thx.
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Wengophone-devel mailing list
> > Wengophone-devel@lists.openwengo.com
> > http://dev.openwengo.com/mailman/listinfo/wengophone-devel
> >
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