Follow-up Comment #7, bug #21966 (project wesnoth):

well its known that OOS error messages appear as soon as you use the currupted
data not in the moment when that data is created and thats where the actual
error happened.

If the is a too long [move] in the replay then stopping erarly is exactly the
intended behaviour.

It is for example possile that a unit can move 7 moves and the player invoked
a move and was halted by a "enemy unit sighted" in this case (at least in
1.11.13+) the replay also contains a move that was not completed (7 moves) and
stopping eralier on all clients thus not causing oos in the intended
behaviour. In your case it this might not be the case but also giving an OOS
message if a unit stops due to lack of moves left cannot be done like that,
because it is for exampe possile that an wml enter_hex event lowered the
number of moves of the unit.

If we want to know "why this happens"/"how we can fix that"  
then we need to know why the other client caclulated such a move as possible
(or why the unit had a different muber of max_moves on the other client). It
is also possile that this has been fixed in 1.11+ or that this is related to
your addon. 

Do you get the same error when you watch a replay that he saved and in a
replay that you saved?


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