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> Hello,
> In continuing Xan's modifications that made the abilities a little more
> configurable (in WML), i added the possiblity to add a time of day/terrain
> filter to the abilities.
> Multiple abilities of the same family are now supported too :
> - filters will be combined

will they be anded or ored ?
and is the most logical way of doing it since you can do or by adding
multiple abilities, but that would clutter the ability lines in the unit
data in gui

> - for other parameters, it would use the maximal value
what other parameters ?

> I also removed [ambush] and [nightstalk], they are now both supported by the 
> [hides] tag.
> Of course i updated Xan's macros so everything still work :)

> I'm not sure filter make sense for all abilities, but so far :
> - generalised ambush is available via [hides]
> - terrain-specific [steadfast] as "burries" can make sense in a insect faction
> - skrimisher limited to water would probably make sense for some water units
> - terrain-specific [illuminate] (with negative level) as "fog" can make sense
> on some terrain like swamp or water
> There is probably at least one case where is makes sense for each ability,
> it's difficult to see them all.
slowly moving to a 100% WML ability system :) I like it though it's a
long term goal...

> Since it's not a small change i wanted to ask your opinion whether i shall
> commit those change or not.
yes, I vote you add it, I also see "wose regenerates in water" and "wall
guard are steadfast on castles" as nice additions....

of course this has to be balanced with KISS, but it's examples of
usefull use of that

> Here is an attached patch of my modification for those who can't wait.
> (also added a changelog entry for Xan's modifications).
please add the changelog entry for Xan separately (or better... let Xan
add it ;) )

ok, about the code itselt
- - you add * as the "any terrain" I guess * is unused, so its find, but
make sure it's documented somewhere as an internal, forbiden value. (I
usually check if a filter is empty to allow any value (anim filter by
terrain for example)

the problem is you need to have both a "anything matches" and a "nothing
matches" filter

iow, you need to hav both and and or in wml

so far, the general way of doing this is to use comma sparated list of
elements to mean a logical and, but that's not enough for you...
i'm not sure how to handle that


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