On Fri, Jul 29, 2005 at 06:14:57PM -0500, David White wrote:
> - problems with replays, seems to be related to WML randomness
> - problems with players ghosts being left on the server hours or days 
> after their connections have died

Agreed that these are quite important.

Regarding the replay/random issues in #13666, was my attached beginning
of scenario save too complex as a decent test case, or is this not leading
to replay errors (it does for me)?  Also, quoting Turin in thread 6893:
    It appears to me that, from reading various bug reports and my own
    testing, that using a random number in the middle of a turn does not
    save the random number produced in the replay, and instead generates
    a new one whenever you watch it... so, should we scenario designers
    avoid using random numbers in moveto, die, attack, and capture
    events? Or is a fix for this planned in the near future?
If Turin's diagnosis is correct then this should be a trivial one to
fix for someone who understands the code that handles saving of replay

#13666 does also affect #13895 (should not be able to undo random events).
Even if the replay/random bug is isolated and fixed, fixing 13895 would
need either 1) pregeneration of random events in the scenarios affected,
a la Crossroads, 2) a new [disallow_undo] tag, or 3) invoking random=
to clear the undo stack.  Workaround 1 should function even without
13666 being fixed, but requires a level of WML insight that many of our
campaign designers may not have, and furthermore it disallows potentially
fun scenarios like genosuke's Wesnoth Hold'em.
That leaves 3, which is interesting but the subtler effects of which I
am not sure about, or 2, which is trivial to implement but would require
many scenarios using random= to add this new tag.

> The thing that we do need to have is a string freeze. Are there any 
> strings we are still waiting on? If so, when will they be included? We 
> need to have the string freeze very soon.

Other than the list of unit descriptions Jetryl posted, apparently he and
Noy are also still finalising drakes.  Expect some final tweaks to unit
descriptions over the next few days.  I will also be committing Jetryl's
descriptions for the missing terrains, and moving MANUAL into separate
chunk in the in-game help (and also marking this text translatable).

I also closed off TDH with a to-be-continued placeholder, which I think
is sufficient for now.  SotBE may need a few more strings in the last
scenario for balancing, but I'm not sure this is critical right now.

So, as previously mooted, I suggest a string freeze beginning with the
tagging of 0.9.5.


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