This, at least in my view, would also be nice.
It strikes a balance, because in terms of granularity, nothing more complicated than it would have an ostensible use in the wesnoth world. However, it in itself *would* be useful. It would have a slight change in the dynamics of units which possessed the ability - they would suddenly become much more powerful counters against units which used poison (it would effectively double their hitpoints against poison alone). Standoffs between units with poison would cause those units to quite possibly (especially with assassin-type units) be much more effective if they chose to use their melee weapon - such units also tend to have low hitpoints and this would prevent them from being much more adversely affected by poison than other units who have lots of hitpoints, which is the case right now.

Certain potential candidates for poison resistance would be:
Assassins, both human and orcish, having built up some immunity to their own devices from having worked with them so long. Saurians, for being lizardly - association with poison is something that always fits the flavor of races similar to small reptiles.

Candidates for full poison immunity would be:
The entire naga race. Spiders/scorpions (does not match the real world, but works great for game flavor - people who don't know much about insects would expect this). Other potential units that haven't been made yet, like dryads. Cuttlefish might themselves also be candidates.

Poison immunity would remain as one of the several effects implied by the "non-living" flag

On May 17, 2005, at 5:04 AM, Andreas Grosse wrote:

David White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [14:05:05 00:50] wrote:
        Jetryl has some time ago proposed adding poison resistance, a
feature he would especially like to have for new Naga units. Although he
is not quite ready to animate them, I believe that it is time to
impliment this feature.

I'm really not so much in favor of poison resistance. I think it adds
unnecessary complexity to what should be a simple ability.

I don't think that poison resistance is an idea which is hard to grasp,
considering the following guidelines:

- let's stick to two levels of resistance: "resistance" (which is always
  only 50% of the poison damage) and "immunity" (takes no damage from
  poison). This should be easy to understand, and it's easy to do the
  math. :)

- Poison resistance/immunity should be tied to certain races/units, not
  experience levels. I think it is fairly easy to grasp that e.g. a sea
  serpent or a skeleton could be resistant or immune to poison. What I
  don't get is why an Elvish Champion should be more resistant than an
  Elvish Fighter (and it would require more resistance nuances, adding
  even more complexity).

Overall I think that poison resistance would be a good thing, since it
completes the poison ability. And, last but not least, it could make a
race like the Naga more interesting for players without increasing their
fighting abilities.

Just my humble opinion on this subject :)

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