I vote yes to all of these changes, in the form that James/EP proposed them.

I also reiterate my vote to reduce the xp-to-level for the Goblin Knight from 150 to 80 - this will be an especially good thing to pair with these elvish changes, as he would be a good opponent for them to fight against.

Possible names for drain attack: Devour, Consume, Leech, Spirit Siphon ...

On Apr 15, 2005, at 12:58 AM, James Spencer wrote:

Courtesy of Elvish Pillager on Elvish Scouts:
Elvish Rider:
6-4 melee
7-3 ranged

Elvish Outrider
8-4 melee
11-3 ranged

I'd rather try, and am proposing:
Elvish Rider:
6-4 melee
6-3 ranged

Elvish Outrider
8-4 melee
7-4 ranged

I am proposing this because it represents a modest power gain on these
scouts post 1st level statistics, and I think it is needed. I wouldn't
mind seeing this squeezed in before a .9.1 release.

On the Saurian Tribalist:
I'd like to strip them of their magical attack and give them drain.
This has been proposed by a few people (EP, Jetryl) and has a couple
of advantages:
1)It means one fewer faction with magic, and this helps tip balance
back in favour of factions not having magic (A good thing, IMHO)
2)It gets rid of the problem of such a nimble critter having an attack
with such a high chance of hitting... While replacing the magic with
something that is almost as annoying (Also a good thing, IMHO)
3)It feels better (IMHO). It has more of a 'B' Movie voodoo vibe that
I think is appropriate here.

I'd like to keep the arrangement of the Tribalist line roughly the same:

Tribalist (as is) save:
frost blast: (long, 5-3)
????? (long, 6-3)

Saurian Icecaster (as is) save:
Saurian ????? (New Name)
staff: (short, 5-2)
staff: (short, 5-3)

frost blast: (long, 8-3)
???? (long, 6-4)


Saurian Soothsayer (as is) save:

staff: (short, 5-2)
staff: (short, 6-2)

frost blast: (long, 6-3)
???? (long, 7-3)

I'd like to do this early in the post .9.1 era. I'd also like to
submit the 'Modified non-beginning of unit line' costs some time
around the beginning of the post .9.1 era. Any help in filling in
those ???? would be nice :)

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