My ideas:

I don't think we should mess with the burner line. Those guys are finished, and some of the best drakes we have.

The clasher, I would split - the existing units would have some graphical changes, expect for the slasher: One line would have a big mallet, the other would have a big halberd. Both would go to level 3, the mallet fellow would be more heavily armored. Level 1 would have a odd weapon, a bit like a spear, but heavy and stout enough to smash something like a skeleton with.
Level 1 could, instead, just have a halberd.
This would eliminate the multi-weapon drake problem. It's one thing to have drakes carrying two weapons, but it is altogether another to have them carrying a third in a prehensile tail, a la gladiator. That was something I was never fond of. As Nils said, I think it would be a good idea to make these guys hard to level.

The fighter/warrior line, I am not sure on. I do think it is very important to keep fire-breathing as a core aspect of the drakes, and I think this line should not be emphasized. Perhaps it should even be removed, if other changes to the clashers went through?

The Sky drakes, I would do two things. First, I would give them a second level. Second, I would give them marksman. They don't do much damage, but they would be useful because they would have some guarantee of hitting - this would make them very useful against other flyers, who always get 50% defense.

I agree that we should not touch the saurians (though I can see some graphical things that might want for improvement ;) ).

On Mar 2, 2005, at 6:34 AM, Nils Kneuper wrote:

Hi everyone!
In the last weeks I have been playing quite a lot mp-games with the
Drakes. I think it would be nice to have a Lv.3 for some units.
1) The Glider would be such a Unit, because it is very hard to have him
survive very long. Why not revard it with giving him a Lv.3 when he
does live long enough? I think that one should really be "the king of
heaven". At the moment he is easyly outmanoverd by a Lv1 Gryphon, even
if he is Lv. 2.
2) Compared to the Burner line, the Warrior line is by far too weak.
If you compare a Flare to a Warrior, the Warrior would maybe even lose
in close combat. And the Flare even has the ability Leadership. I
would tend to make the Fighter line the one with leadership and leave
the rest of the stats as they are. This make someone to use the
warrior line a bit mor. At the moment I don't use Warrior this much,
because for close combats I got the slasher line, and for Ranged with
a little close I got the Burner line. Maybe it would be good to put
The Flameheart as level3 of the Fighter line, and let the Flare line
end with Lv2. The Fire line would still reach Lv3.
3.) I think one of the two lines the Clasher evolves to, should also
have a Lv3. This would strengthen the impression, that Drakes are very
powerful, but expensive. This Unit should need Lots of exp to level.

I think these addidions would give the game a little more depth when
playing Drakes. They are already at least easy to hit, because their
best defense is 40%. that is not much at all. The saurians should stay
the way they are now. The Tribalist could become to powerful, if they
are more improved.

Nils Kneuper aka Ivanovic

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