My thoughts on dwarves:

    I like the idea of dwarves getting 40% defense in
grassland becuase dirt is an alias of grassland and
dirt is a terrain that is often common underground.
Why should dwarves be so terrible when fighting on
dirt? Removing dirt limits the types of terrains a
scenario designer can use underground if they want
some variation besides more cave floor. But I dislike
using dirt and then have dwarves suck when fighting on

    I like the idea of ulf/berserkers using berserk
only when attacking. I also think that their attack
should be buffed a bit, perhaps to 5-4 at level 1.
Ulfserkers are killed so easily right now, if we make
berserk only happen when attacking they will probably
still be weak after they kill another unit and thus
easy to kill in return, but at least the player has
some chance of keeping them alive. 

   I don't think dwarven guardmen are as powerful
defenders as woses, why should they be crippled to 3
movement? Why not give them 4 movement like other
dwarves so they can be more mobile and actually be

   Dwarves still have a problem with poison, becuase
they have no mobile healers and move slowly which
makes it hard to retreat fast to villages. 

   Also I'm rather dubious about this new dwarven
smith. The dwarven runemaster has been around for a
long time and all of a sudden there's a lot of
interest in the unit? A melee magical attack is
different but do the dwarves really need a magical
unit like every other race? 


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