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Subject: Re: Fwd: [Wesnoth-dev] Wesnoth 1.0.3?
Date: Samstag 03 Juni 2006 16:03
From: Viliam Búr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: David Philippi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi, David!

I agree with what Isaac said. Luckily I do not need to argue against
him. Yogi Bear said he would make a new (unofficial) 1.0.x Wesnoth
release only for me. And that's all I need.

Thank you for all your help, and moral support... but now it seems that
the story will have a happy ending for me, without need for an official
1.0.3 release. This way everyone can be happy.   ;-)   Esperanto users
will have their stable version, Esperanto translators will be happy to
see the result of their work being usable, other Wesnoth translators do
not have to do unnecessary work.

Just a few comments:

There are about 50 new strings (mostly fixing typos) between 1.0.2 and
1.0.3 version. So a new 1.0.3 version would be a downgrade for the other
translations; or the translators would have to do the work which will
have no benefit for them (they already have 1.0.2, and soon will have 1.2).

Maybe in future version there should be policy that after final release
absolutely *no* strings can be *added* to the stable branch; and if some
typos are fixed there could be a script which also replaces those typos
in all 100%-completed translations... thereby *keeping* them 100%
completed. If this is done with 1.2 version, there will never again be
dilemma whether or not make a 1.2.x version -- no translation would get
downgraded because of it.

And the situation "I need a 100% Esperanto translation, and I need it
*now*" will probably never happen again... there will already be such
version, so whenever 100% completeness will be an absolute priority, I
will be able to use the oldest stable 100% completed version.

Thanks! Have a nice weekend!


Mgr. Viliam Búr

ICQ: 133571943
Yahoo: Viliam1234
Skype: viliam1234


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