
I just thought a bit about this topic again. We're at the start of a new 
unstable tree and the bars to get in new code are low - why not also for 
campaigns? My idea would be to freely include anything which is rather 
complete, not braindead and maintained (using new terrain letter should be 
sufficient sign right now).
But those inclusions are not permanent. As we progress to a new stable release 
the bars are put higher and higher. Campaigns which are not well maintained 
and e.g. unplayable for more then one release go out again. Once we feel that 
we're getting close to a new stable, the actual evaluation will occur. Now we 
have the history of how well the campaign was maintained during the unstable 
phase and probably some feedback on them.
Having lots of campaigns is a high maintainance burden? Yes and no. If we 
switch them in and out without lots of discussion there's not so much of it. 
If a campaign is stable and playable at the point where we reach a new stable 
version it's safe. A stable version will by design not be changed in a way 
which makes the campaign unplayable. If it's not kept up to date for the 
changes of the next unstable tree - out it goes.


Bye David

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