The argument for the change is simple - to a significant number of  
english speakers, "Soul Shooter" sounds silly.  The origin of the  
name came when the unit was originally created (around 0.6,0.7?).   
Every single thing about the unit was an small modification of the  
"bone shooter's" identity.  The stats were simply additive  
modifications of the L2 unit, the graphics were simply a colorshift  
of the original unit, with a hood and cape added, and the name was  
simply a modification of the previous unit.

In groping around for a name, they simply changed the word "bone" to  
something that seemed vaguely associated with the undead, and which  
also was ... a noun.  They would as well have called it "Ghost  
Shooter".  The problem is that it no longer makes any sense; there's  
no reasoning behind the name, as there was with the level-2 unit.   
With the level-2 unit, the name had a double meaning;  first, "bone"  
signified that the unit was a skeleton, was made of bones.  Second,  
bone signified that the unit fired arrows made out of human bones.   
But "soul shooter" has no such connections - the unit is not an  
immaterial ghost; it's a very substantial thing, and it's open for  
debate as to whether it even has a soul or not.  Furthermore, it does  
not shoot "souls" at its victims, and if it did, we should probably  
change the damage type.  Honestly, the name sounds like something a  
14-year old D&D nerd would come up with (mostly because, in this  
case, it was originally made by a bunch of 14-17 year old players,  
and not by the "core" development team).  It's about as retarded as  
Napoleon Dynamite's "Liger".

I'm not particularly attached to "aptrgangr", but I am adamant that  
we WILL change the name to anything other than soul shooter.  Soul  
Shooter was not the creation of any emminent, scholarly mind, and has  
no inherent value in being kept.  I would hope that our team is above  
being blinded by exposure/nostalgia-bias into clinging to bad  

As for aptrgangr, the arguments in favor of that specific name were:
- it is no less appropriate than terms like revenant, draug, spectre,  
or wraith, all of which can have grossly different interpretations.
- it fits with revenant and draug in describing corporeal "wights",  
and has connotations of "great warrior", which is good for a  
level-3.  (Aptrgangr is actually an interchangable term with Draug -  
it describes a warrior returned from the dead).
- though obscure, in every in-game situation where it is seen, the  
unit graphic is also present, which makes it completely obvious what  
the unit is, as far as videogame mechanics go.  You see a big, scary,  
skeleton holding a bow; that communicates an enormous amount about  
how the unit behaves in-game.

In fact, the player might learn a new word - both wesnoth and  
warcraft III were responsible for goading me into looking up the  
proper definition of "revenant".  Even though I had no idea what the  
background of the term was, it was obvious from the unit image and  
description how it functioned in game.  And being very unknown at the  
time, it gave the merest hint of dread, which is very desirable for  
an undead unit.  Obscurity is relative - for any term, we can't  
guarantee that the reader will know it, since kids do play this  
game.  And, so long as the unit has good imagery, it won't have a  
negative effect, because they'll know what they *need* to know to  
play the game.

On Jul 22, 2007, at 2:42 PM, Eric S. Raymond wrote:

> Nils Kneuper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> I wholeheartedly agree. Please revert to the old state again.
> The most convenient way to do this would be to reverse the change  
> in wmllint
> and run it on mainline.  I'm willing to do this -- I don't  
> particularly like
> the new name myself -- but I'd like to hear the arguments for the  
> change by
> whoever was pushing it.
> -- 
>               <a href="";>Eric S. Raymond</a>
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