On Wed, Aug 01, 2007 at 08:24:41PM +0200, Hans-Joachim Gurt wrote:
> Hello everybody,


> But it looks like it takes a lot of time until such
> a patch gets processed, so I would like to ask for
> direct svn-access.

Unfortunatly I was without internet access last week so I couldn't
review the patches. I'm looking at all three of them tonight. And like
boucman already said, after having 2 patches included you'll be offered
svn write access.

> Also, I think it would be useful for future developement
> to prepare the code with more comments so that a tool
> like doxygen can generate a meaningful documentation.
> Currently, it is not easy finding anything in the code...

There's already devdocs.wesnoth.org which gets updated once a day. I do
agree that the amount of comment in Wesnoth is quite low so feel free to
improve on that.


Mark de Wever aka Mordante/SkeletonCrew

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