I just posted a first version of my MP Test Campaign for download here:

This is meant as a short (but colourful) series of scenarios to test
various aspects of "campaign" functionality in multiplayer mode,

1. different ways of setting up the player sides
2. switching player sides between scenarios
3. progressing from scenarios without shroud to those that have it on
   (and vice versa)
4. swapping players' recall lists
5. all kinds of recalling (no, [recall] doesn't work :) )
6. setting up leaders from recall lists and stored units
   (in various ways)
7. using [endlevel] in different contexts to end the scenarios

Almost miraculously, some of these things just seem to work "out of the
box"! At the same time, there are other unexpected problems (bug with
shroud/fog mapping bug #11094, endlevel not working when triggered on a
networked client - bug #11105). And the start of scenario save
problem (no save_ids and recall lists for all networked clients and
observers - bug #11106).

I was reluctant to add the side switching tests, but since they
seemed to work nicely and the controllers were handled well even in
network play I added them in.

So, I hope this provides some entertainment to both our developers at
FOSDEM and at home. :)


   Jan Rietema aka Rhuvaen

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