On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 02:15:25AM -0500, Eric S. Raymond wrote:
> Nils Kneuper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Mordante plans to refactor the gui system to make it easier themeable and to
> > reduce the maintance load. Currently the GUI section seems to be a mess 
> > which
> > makes adding new features like tabbed view and changes to dialogs very
> > difficult.
> I'll help Mordante with this if I can.  I probably know the GUI code
> better than anyone else except Sapient, because I refactored a lot of
> the upper level of the GUI code once before while implementing the
> lightweight message popups.  However, my understanding of the lower
> levels entwined with SDL is minimal -- not zero, but minimal.

I've some ideas for a new system and want to experiment a bit with that.
Nothing really to discuss atm, but I'll start to commit code after the
forking of 1.4. This code lives in a separate subdirectory so it won't
touch the main code. (Which saves me from branching.)

> > - - odd-on server revamp
> > Mordante wants to takle some changes for the add-on server to
> > introduce the long wanted things like "content type" and to allow
> > running tools like wmllint on severside or on clientside right
> > before uploading to reduce the amount of problems with add-ons. Many
> > of those changes will require changes to the GUI system so that they
> > can be displayed in a usable way.
> I will fully cooperate with this.  If wmllint needs modifications to run in 
> that environment I will cheerfully deliver them.

As discussed on IRC esr might want to look at it as well.

> > - - formula AI integration Dave has been working on allowing some
> > formulas for AIs to be coded in WML. This is some kind of functional
> > programming inside WML to better control the behavior of the AI. For
> > example it would be possible to hardcode mapspecific behavior of the
> > AI in the first turns for some maps. Dave also demonstrated how the
> > current branch already does work to the developers that were still
> > around when FOSDEM was almost over. So far it seems to already work
> > nicely and can probably be merged into trunk after 1.4 is
> > tagged. This AI also requires some additional dependencies from
> > boost. This is mentioned further below.
> I'll go further -- I think that if formula AI lives up to its billing
> we ought to find a formula setting that approximates the default
> AI and then just *delete* the default AI.  I don't see any point in keeping
> two large masses of AI code 

I've seen Sirp's presentation of the formula AI and it really looks
impressive what kind of functionality it offers!

> > - - savegame format revamp
> > Currently the savegames seem to be a rather big mess. Mordante plans
> > to have a look at it and reimplement some of the logics. The benefit
> > of this would be that savegames should look more uniform. At the
> > moment for example start of scenario saves in MP look different than
> > Turn1 saves. This revamp will also be needed to cleanly fix some
> > replay and mp-campaign savegame problems.
> I don't think I can help much with this, but I want to note that this is
> probably the most important post-1.4 issue from a bug-fixing perspective.
> I can't allocate Mordante's time, but -- if my request has any weight --
> I'd like him to work on this before tackling major new features.

This is already quite high on my list ;-)

There's another point we discussed. At the moment we carry SDL_ttf in
our tree, we want to try to move to using the normal dependency again.
If we agree I want to make this change early in the 1.5 stage so we can
give it as much testing as possible.

Mark de Wever aka Mordante/SkeletonCrew

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