
>  My main concern here was the interaction with WML variables.

>  The bad news is translatable strings are sometime used in WML outside of
>  the space where WML variable exists (like scenario names/descriptions for
>  example).

>  If i recall t_strings are parsed before any WML substitution is done.

This is one area where I know almost nothing. I tried to replicate just the 
class with is interface and didn't look beyond that. It might even work in a 
very different way (inside) now... I guess it would be helpful to talk about 
this on irc when we're all back.

>  Another thing to do is to modify wmlxgettext (currently written in perl)
>  to regognize our new syntax for plural (which we have to define too).
>  Well i don't know perl at all, but i might try too learn.

I asked Caslav (Chuslove?) who extended it a lot in the past. This shouldn't be 
a problem, as long as he doesn't disappear :)

>  Have nice holidays,

Thanks, same to you!


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