On Fri, Oct 03, 2008 at 02:29:07PM +0000, Mario Rodrÿffffedguez wrote:
> Firefox, a very known free project had this problem, but nowadays the 
> solution you can see in: 
> https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/browse/type:3 . The names of the 
> languages are listed alphabetically. You can see "Catalan" and "Valencian"... 
> if you see the Valencian diccionary 
> (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/4796) and the language pack 
> (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/3790), you will see that this 
> translation uses RACV (you can read it in the download pages)... this 
> translator is the corrector of my translation too and the technical 
> coordinator of "Valencian orthographic corrector" from RACV (payed by local 
> government although this ortography aren't official now)
> Firefox let a "Valencian translation" as you can see, Wesnoth will let me 
> have the same translation?

So, you run out of arguments, and now ressort to argumentum ad populum.

This should, if anything, be a reason *NOT* to abide by your demands.  I can
only expect you wouldn't hesitate to use Wesnoth in the same way as a source
of authority on Valencian (when lacking sources of authority at all, I suppose
one has to invent them...).

Furthermore, it seems you're confusing Addons with Mozilla.  I don't see the
latter adopting a fake "Valencian" translation anytime soon:


> I put you two maps, the first is the origin of two  languages: Creation of 
> languages.jpg
> Both languages evolved and developed their academies as you can see in: 
> Evolution of languages.jpg

Why is Galician/Portuguese in the same map?  Is this some sort of argument by

Anyway, there's an outright lie in your drawing.  No, before AVL, RACV wasn't
in charge of Valencian.  It has never been.

AVL superceeded ICS (not RACV), and as a consequence of this we have two
standards, one for generic Catalan (ICS) and one for Valencian (AVL) which
is entirely consistent with Catalan (remember, AVL recognises, like everyone
else, that Catalan and Valencian are the same language).

> Why the ISO locale "cat" has two names: Catalan and Valencian? ISO don't give 
> the name of a dialect as the name of a language...

Why don't you bring your deliberation to ISO?  If you think they got something
wrong, I'm sure they have procedures to sort that out.

I wouldn't hold my breath though.  Unless you're Microsoft, you have to play
by the rules.

Robert Millan

  The DRM opt-in fallacy: "Your data belongs to us. We will decide when (and
  how) you may access your data; but nobody's threatening your freedom: we
  still allow you to remove your data and not access it at all."

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