Hi Sergi,

I agree with what you say, but it's not the matter of the discussion.  The
problem is that instead of a tranlation to Valencian / southern Catalan, we
have a translation to a language purposely designed by the RACV to look
different than Catalan.

My proposal is to provide every variant and list them for what they are:

  - Catalan
  - Valencian (southern Catalan)
  - RACV's language

This way we can have a translation to Valencian, and one to RACV's invention.
I think it's a good compromise.

On Sat, Oct 11, 2008 at 12:33:04PM +0200, Sergi March wrote:
> I will just add some words about this using my freedom to talk:<br>
> <br>
> 1) I studied in the school that Catalan and Valencian are the same
> language. <br>
> Just as British English and American English are the same language
> (en_US or en_GB), or just like<br>
> Costa Rica Spanish are the same language as Spain Spanish (es_CR or
> es_ES).<br>
> <br>
> So [EMAIL PROTECTED], because Valencian is a Catalan DIALECT in a common
> country which is Spain,<br>
> is the perfect representation of the language [EMAIL PROTECTED]<br>
> <br>
> 2) I'm Catalan but my mother is Valencian. I understand exactly what my
> mother says in Valencian, as if she<br>
> was Catalan.<br>
> Italian is similar to Catalan or Spanish, but you cannot follow a full
> conversation without knowing Italian language,<br>
> just because they are different languages. The same case between
> Spanish and Catalan. <br>
> This is not the case between Catalan and Valencian (catalan dialect).
> You understand everything, <br>
> just change few vocabulary words, of course pronunciation... etc....
> you know, like<br>
> American and British English differences.<br>
> <br>
> 3) Everybody fully appreciate your work to make another DIALECT
> translation, because it's hard to do so and<br>
> It's very good for the world of Wesnoth translations (If I had more
> time I would contribute to make<br>
> another translation of my Catalan Dialect which it would be called
> someone like [EMAIL PROTECTED] (from lleida region,<br>
> very different to Barcelona and east Catalonia dialect (in fact is more
> similar to Valencian than to catalan from Barcelona,<br>
> but Catalan in the end.<br>
> <br>
> 4) I'm sorry to talk about local language things that doesn't interest
> everybody, but I thought I had obligation to answer.<br>
> <br>
> thanks<br>
> <br>
> Sergi<br>

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